(Content that follows is excerpted from an email from the Hartford Hospital cardiac team…)
Great job everyone.
I though you would like to know that today’s STEMI times were as follows:
Door to Balloon Time – 36 minutes
EMS to Balloon time – 69 minutes
The system-organized response was initiated in the field (town withheld) where the pre-hospital ECG was transmitted by AETNA Ambulance to the Hartford Hospital Emergency Department and then forwarded to the Cath Lab (Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory). Many should be congratulated, in particular:
- Drs. McKay and Almahasnen and the Cath Lab team (A. Almeida, R. Fisher, E. Letoutneau)
- Drs. Smally, Sullivan and the ED team (C. Urso, A. Mugovero)
- Last but not least, the AETNA Paramedics Ashley Harkins and Preston Ryzak for timely ECG interpretation and transmission. Continue reading