Tiffany Armas
Jonathan Sanchez
Patrick Gleason
Cheryl Everest
MANCHESTER — On February 4, 2015 five EMTs were added to the ASM team. As part of our continued growth ASM and Aetna seek out only the best candidates. We look for employees who are focused on high-quality patient care, are team oriented and conduct themselves in a professional manner. During the orientation, employees learn about company philosophy and goals, quality assurance, and policies and procedures.
Tiffany Armas: FULL TIME, EMT. My name is Tiffany and I’m 23 years old. I was born in Caracas, Venezuela and moved here when I was ten. I graduated from UCONN in May with a B.S. in Allied Health and a minor in Biology. I currently work per diem at the UCONN Student Health Services Laboratory and I’m trained in phlebotomy. I love working in the medical field and am super excited to be involved in emergency care. In my spare time I like to cook, practice yoga, and anything involving being outdoors. I’m also trying to teach myself Portuguese and after that, hopefully another language. I love traveling and learning about different cultures and hope to one day be able to volunteer around the US as well as the rest of the world as a doctor to help communities in need.
Cheryl Everest: FULL TIME, EMT. My name is Cheryl Everest I am 23 years old and currently live in Simsbury. I take great pride in helping people everyday in our community. I took my EMT course three years ago and almost instantly fell in love with EMS. I recently graduated from Tunxis Community College with my associates. In my spare time I like to hike with my dog and spend time with my horses. I also volunteer with Simsbury Ambulance. I could not be more pleased to be able to turn my EMS passion into a career with ASM. I plan to further my career in emergency medical a services and become a paramedic.
Patrick Gleason: FULL TIME, EMT. My name is Patrick Gleason, I am 43 years old and l live in Manchester, CT. At age 18 I joined the Army and served four years active duty with the 25th Infantry Division. I assumed the duties of squad leader and particularly enjoyed the time I spent at Combat Life Saver School. I went on to work as a Regional Director and Project Manager in the business world but always yearned to acquire an occupation in the medical field. In 2014 I completed an EMT course at Code One in East Hartford and obtained my license. I love to learn new things and am looking forward to a more meaningful career by making a difference in the lives of those I serve as an EMT. The experience I will gain in the field as an EMT will help to prepare me for my ultimate goal of becoming a Paramedic. I spend my free time with my wife and two kids, attend and volunteer at our church and am assistant coach for basketball at the kids school. I am excited and grateful for this new opportunity.
Jonathan Sanchez: FULL TIME, EMT. My name is Jonathan Sanchez and I am 22 years old and from New Britain, CT. I graduated from Tunxis Community College with an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice. My career goal is to become a police officer and to do the best I can to support the communities and the laws in place. In 2012 I got my first job at St. Francis Hospital & Medical Center as a transportation tech. With this job I became exposed to the hospital environment and was intrigued by the hospital environment and how much health care providers make a difference in the people they help. That’s when I decided to become an EMT. I obtained my certification last year and since July I have had the pleasure to work in the Emergency Room as an ER Technician which is basically an EMT within the ER. I have seen many different types of patients, from basic toe pain to cardiac arrests. I have done all types of different jobs and procedures within the ER and I love the fact that I get to actually help people out when they are in need and potentially help save a life. I look forward to working with the ASM crew and learning new things and incorporate what I already know on the road. I look forward to the future with the ambulance service and hope to take what I have learned and incorporate that in my career later on in life!