Emergency response agency and food pantry representatives gathered Tuesday at the Manchester Area Conference of Churches Food Pantry to kick off the Emergency of Hunger Food Drive
by Jesse Leavenworth
First responders again are collecting food to stock regional soup kitchens and pantries.
The first collection for the Emergency of Hunger Food Drive is set for Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Manchester Stop & Shop, 286 Broad St. The effort is to continue the following weekend.
Now in its ninth year, the drive relies on volunteers from police, fire and emergency medical agencies, along with Rotary Club members and Stop & Shop and Geissler’s supermarkets. Collections benefit clients of soup kitchens and food pantries run by Manchester Area Conference of Churches Charities and the Hockanum Valley Community Council.
Last year, people donated about 34,000 food items, 650 turkeys and $16,000 in gift cards and cash.
“Every year we are shocked, amazed and proud of the generosity we see,” food drive spokesman Patrick Gleason of Ambulance Service of Manchester said Monday. “To date, our records show a combined total of 1,149,000 meals served.”
The food drive will take place on the following days at the locations provided below:
- Manchester – Stop & Shop (286 Broad Street) Saturday November 11th and Sunday November 12th from 10am -6pm
- Manchester – Stop & Shop (286 Broad Street) Saturday November 17th and Sunday November 18th from 10am -6pm
- Vernon – Stop & Shop (10 Ptikin Road) Saturday November 17th and Sunday November 18th from 10am -6pm
- Rockville – Stop & Shop (50 Windsorville Road) Saturday November 17th and Sunday November 18th from 10am -6pm
- South Windsor – Stop & Shop (1739 Ellington Road) Saturday November 17th and Sunday November 18th from 10am -6pm
- South Windsor – Geissler’s (965 Sullivan Avenue) Saturday November 17th and Sunday November 18th from 10am -6pm