Aetna's Leslie Prado
Hello Family and Friends. It has always been a goal of mine to do a triathlon for a good cause. And this year, I am swimming, biking and running to raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team In Training (TNT).
I have committed myself to raise $800 by June 10th, 2012 for this incredible organization that leads the way in funding research to treat blood cancers and in providing financial aid to patients and their family. Seventy-five percent of all the money we raise goes directly to the LLS mission of funding research based on medical need without regard to commercial return or market size.
I have been putting in the work, but now I need your help to participate. Please go to my website at http://pages.teamintraining.org/ct/sheistri12/lpradoceku
Your donations helps me fulfill a life goal, but best of all, helps continue research on all blood cancers and provide aid to current patients and their families.
The aim is the Targetraining Sherwood Island Sprint Triathlon on June 17, 2012. I need all the cheering and help I can get.
Your kindness and support is much appreciated.
Leslie Sofia Prado