ASM's Vinnie Maston
MANCHESTER — On February 3, 2012 Ambulance Service of Manchester crew members Vinnie Maston and Ryan McConville responded to a non-emergency transport request from a private residence within ASM’s service area.
As per normal practice for patients who request non-emergency service from their private residence, within two weeks the patient received a Patient Satisfaction Survey. The patient and her caregivers promptly sent back a glowing response on the care she received. So glowing that it needed to be shared.
Vinnie and Ryan were scored 5 out of 5 (Strongly Agree) for all 12 service

ASM's Ryan McConville
questions. These questions include the degree to which the crew was calm and reassuring, effective communications, professionalism, competence, appearance, quality of care and overall satisfaction, among others.
Handwritten on the back of the survey was this message:
“[Vinnie and Ryan] were the paramedics who transported [Patient] from my home in [Town] to Hartford Hospital. They were exceedingly gentle and very professional. Since she was in extreme pain, it was essential that she be “handled with care,” and she was, for certain. In my forty plus years of nursing practice, I have seldom seen such a caring and compassionate team!
Sincerely, Donna Tedford-Sheridan