ASM’s Josh Traber Promoted to Field Supervisor


MANCHESTER — On December 29, 2016, ASM’s Josh Traber was promoted to the position of Field Supervisor. His remarkable dedication to both his patients and co-workers has been consistent throughout his career at ASM. He has developed into a role model for health care professionals and continues to positively influence everyone he interacts with.

Josh expressed his gratitude for the well-deserved promotion by stating the following:

“I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for welcoming me in my new role as supervisor. I have worked for ASM for 17 years and have performed duties ranging from dispatcher to Paramedic Preceptor. ASM is known for exceptional patient care, with outstanding professionalism. These are the core values I hope to continue in my new role.
For those of you I haven’t worked with, I look forward to getting to know you in the near future. Please feel free to let me know how I can assist you with any problems you may be encountering.”

On behalf of the ASM family we would like to congratulate Josh on his promotion and look forward to great things from him.


A Warm Thank You for Ryan McConville

South Windsor –  In early December, Ambulance Service of Manchester received an email containing a warm thank you for Paramedic Ryan McConville. The note, as depicted below, is in regards to a transport completed a few weeks prior.


A few weeks ago I had back surgery and between not sleeping and the pain meds daughter got nervous because I was groggy and called 911 ( as she should have)! I ended up being ok and  things turned out fine.

But I am writing about one of your paramedics, Ryan McConville. He went above and beyond to make sure  I was physically and emotionally safe… once he assessed me and determined I was stable he spent time comforting me because I was upset over the misunderstanding.  He was professional, extremely knowledgeable, and had a way about him that made a scary situation much less so for my family and myself. I will never forget his calmness and abilities.  I felt like even though my call was not of a serious matter… I think he he treats each case as though they all matter…no matter how critical or not. When you are laying on that stretcher it is scary and important to you and to have a caregiver treat you as though you matter is priceless.

People always write to complain but not as much to compliment.  So I wanted to take a few minutes to let you know what an asset you have to your team.  I will never forget his kindness and professionalism.

“They were very professional and kind.”

SOUTH WINDSOR – In early December, Aetna Ambulance received a hand written thank you letter addressed to Paramedic Ryan Gonska and EMT Cole Ashker. The note, as depicted below, is in regards to a transport completed a few days prior.



Just a short note to express my appreciation for 2 of your employees [Ryan] and Cole. [They] picked me up [at a] walk-in clinic [and brought me] to St. Francis Hospital. They were very professional and kind. All around good guys. Thank you.

“Just Keep Looking At The One!”

HARTFORD –  On December 10, 2016, Aetna Ambulance received a letter from Hartford Hospital’s Management Team, regarding the exceptional actions of Paramedic, Nick Foran. After noticing his kind gesture (depicted below), Karen Teixeira, a triage nurse, drafted a letter to the Hospital’s Management Team. Her letter prompted an outpouring of gratitude and self reflection from Danette Alexander, Nurse Director of Emergency Services. Read both the letter and note below.

The letter from Karen Teixeira:

A medic from Aetna brought in a homeless man tonight that was seen and  released.  Later, this medic came up to me asking where the patient was; I looked in the tracker and told him that it looked like the patient had been discharged. He was disappointed.  He then told me that the patient was homeless and that all of his clothes were wet, especially his gloves. I noticed the pair of gloves in this medic’s hand.  I asked him if they were for the patient, he said they were. I told him that he may be in the waiting room because we typically allow homeless patients to stay in the reception area if the weather is cold.  He proceeded to look in the waiting room and found the patient. He was relieved that he was able to find the gentleman to give him a pair of dry gloves so that he wouldn’t get frost bite.

The note from Danette:

This is a beautiful story.

I believe it is our mission:  To help.  To help in any way we can.  It is not a little thing to allow the homeless a warm shelter—even for just a few hours.

The empathy shown by this medic was not a little thing.

It is the only thing.

I try to learn each day so I can be a better person.  Not just for me or my family, not just for all of you but I try to be better so I can help those who need us most.

Sometime it is overwhelming to look at all the people who need us. It is often daunting to the ED; the needs of all the service lines and the patients who makeup each of these patient populations.   It is disheartening to listen to feedback from people that feel we fell short of their expectations.

Yes, we can be better.  There is always room for improvement (I am the first to admit that I can be better).

But you need to know how proud I am of all of you and the work you do every day.  Try not to be overwhelmed.  We will help each patient.  One at a time and do the best we can.

Mother Teresa said, “If I look at the mass, I will never act.  If I look at the one, I will.”

Just keep looking at the one.  We will be ok.

High Praise for Aetna Crew!

img_0600FARMINGTON – December 2016, EMTs Jennifer Grayson and Roberto Rizza received high praise recently from a patient’s daughter following a transport to her home. Aetna Ambulance sends Patient Satisfaction Surveys to a randomly selected group of patients, allowing them the opportunity to provide feedback about their ambulance transport.  The last section of the survey allows the patient, or family member, to write about their experience.  In this section, the daughter boasts of professionalism, compassion and friendliness. She goes on to say, “it was the best experience we have had.”

The full note reads:

The EMTs, Jen and Rob, were professional, compassionate, friendly, and took care of transferring my 92 year old mother home. My mother is frequently a hospital patient and requires an ambulance transport home. This is the first time that we have had an Aetna transport and it was the best experience we have had. I will be sure to request Aetna in the future.


8th Annual “Emergency of Hunger” Food Drive Results



MANCHESTER – The 8th Annual “Emergency of Hunger” Food Drive, composed of first responders, Rotary members, and others, was a great success! Their combined efforts continue to make a deep and widening impact on hunger in greater Hartford. This year volunteers from Manchester, Vernon, South Windsor, Windsor, and Stop & Shop Supermarkets collected a staggering 34,000+ food items, 650+ turkeys, and almost $16,000 in gift card and monitory donations.

Thanks to the wonderful generosity of the community over the last eight years, we have been able to collect a total of 247,000+ food items, 7,000+ turkeys, and over $159,500 in gift card and monitory donations.

Click HERE to read the Hartford Currant Article! 

Mannequin Challenge at “Emergency of Hunger” Food Drive

South Windsor – In an effort to attract holiday shoppers and boost spirits during the “Emergency of Hunger” Food Drive this past weekend, participants created a Mannequin Challenge Video.  ASM employees, along with members of the South Windsor Rotary Club, Fire Department, and Police Department improvised and filmed the video while collecting goods. The video has been viewed over 32,000 times on South Windsor PD’s Facebook page alone!

Check out the video below!

“Food drive brings in needed holiday items, continues this weekend”


MANCHESTER – On Wednesday, November 16, 2016, The Ambulance Service of Manchester appeared in the JI for it’s efforts during the “Emergency of Hunger” Food Drive. The kind words by Beth Stafford, the Executive Director of the Manchester Area Conference of Churches, can be found below.  The article, by Joseph T. O’Leary, details the annual food drive and it’s impact on the community.

This food drive grows every year, Stafford said, and ASM, which spearheads its efforts, hopes to see it spread. Stafford particularly thanked ASM, which has continued the program despite changes in leadership.

Read the full article here.


Above and Beyond!

Mitch KarrHartford – Aetna Paramedic and Preceptor Mitch Karr has recently joined a prestigious group of critical care providers by obtaining his Flight Paramedic Certification (FP-C). According to The International Board of Specialty Certification (IBSC), “The FP-C certification targets competency at the mastery level of paramedic practice.” This accomplishment required over 6 months of self-study, and the successful completion of a grueling exam. While working full time, Mitch took it upon himself to develop the knowledge base necessary to achieve his goal. Paramedic Sam Dybdahl shares this distinction as well.

Their desire to continually progress as providers demonstrates the commitment our employees have to patient care.

Regional “Emergency Of Hunger” Food Drive Starts Saturday


Emergency response agency and food pantry representatives gathered Wednesday at The Ambulance Service of Manchester to kick off the Emergency of Hunger Food Drive.


by Jesse Leavenworth

MANCHESTER –  A regional food drive that benefits area pantries and homeless shelters is set to begin Saturday.

This will be the eighth year of the Emergency of Hunger drive, which has collected and distributed food and other donations in Manchester, Vernon, South Windsor and Windsor. Organizers and volunteers include firefighters, police officers, ambulance personnel, hospital staff and Rotary Club members from the area.

To date, the team has collected 210,000 food and personal care items, 6,000 turkeys and hams and about $143,000 in cash, checks and gift cards, organizer Sean Norton of Ambulance Service of Manchester said.

Read the full article here…

Following are locations and dates for collections at the participating Stop & Shop Supermarkets:

  • Manchester – 286 Broad Street., November 12, 13, 19 and 20 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Rockville – 50 Windsorville Road., November 12, 13 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Vernon – 10 Pitkin Road., November 12, 13 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • South Windsor – 1739 Ellington Road., November 19, 20 from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Windsor – 1095 Kennedy Road., November 12, 13 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

On Veteran’s Day!



The Ambulance Service of Manchester, LLC and Aetna Ambulance, Inc. would like to thank all past and present Veterans for their service to the United States of America. A special thank you to our employees that have served and continue to do so today. We are fortunate to have such patriotic individuals representing our team.

“I was very grateful that my son and I were in such capable hands.”



MANCHESTER – In late September Ambulance Service of Manchester received a letter of praise for EMT Jonathan Bush and EMT Chauntelle Masslon from the mother of a patient that they transported from a facility to Brainard Airport.


The letter reads:

“I am writing to commend two of your employees – Jonathan Bush and Chauntelle Masslon who, on [a date in September], transferred my son from [a facility in Hartford] to Brainard Airport for a flight to [a facility in New Jersey]. My son suffered a [neck injury] on [a date in September] and had to be handled very carefully. Your employees also had to work side by side with the medical personnel that would be accompanying my son on the plane.

Jonathan and Chauntelle were very professional while dealing with my son and the other people involved. They were so calm and efficient. The drive to the airport went smoothly as well as the transfer to the plane. Not only did they tak good care of my son, they also took care of me. I was grateful to that my son and I were in such capable hands.

They did a great job and I just wanted [ASM] to know that.”


ASM Participates in Foster Family Farm’s Public Safety Day

foster-family-farm-corn-maze-2016SOUTH WINDSOR – On October 10th, Foster Family Farm hosted a Public Safety Day honoring 1st Responders. As shown in the picture to the left, the maze was cut to portray Police, Fire and EMS. Crew members from ASM, along with representatives from South Windsor Fire and Police Departments were on hand to showcase their respective rolls in emergency response.


Words That Describe Us: Volume 89

Aetna Ambulance Service, Inc. - Ambulance Service of Manchester, LLC.MANCHESTER and HARTFORD — Aetna Ambulance and ASM send Patient and Customer Satisfaction Surveys to a random sampling of patients who have received emergency or STAT inter-facility services from our companies.

The final part of the survey asks that the respondent, “Please use a word or phrase to describe us and/or the ambulance crew.”

Some of the most recent answers and responses provided in the survey responses include the following quotes:

  • They took care of my husband like their loved one.  Thank you all. (16-60808; G. Geres, M. Kleza).
  • Extremely Professional
  • They were both great
  • The ambulance crew was a good group of guys
  • Very nice people
  • Acted Professional
  • Speedy and Very Professional
  • Both members of the crew were respectful and the care they gave me was excellent! (16-6914; J Basora, T Dixon).
  • Reliable with Empathy
  • Knowledgeable/Caring
  • Everything was great; care level, courtesy, assessment skills, pain control (16-70099; W Valencia, R Davenport)
  •   I was very pleased with the speed they got here and the care they gave me (16- 70845 T. Armas, C. Lemire).
  • Very Professional, efficient
  • Competent
  • Very Professional, experienced
  • Very Professional and kind
  • Very Prompt-reassuring demeanor
  • Professional and caring
  • Highly professional and extremely knowledgeable (16-42737; M Traber, S Debarge)
  • Highly professional and caring!
  • Everyone was awesome. Made me feel more at ease in my time of need. (16-67734 D. Tedeschi, J Lentini)
  • Very caring, knew what they were doing. I’m very thankful for every one of these people. Please continue to help sick people and people in need. And never take anything for granted (16-71410 R. Davenport, N. Young)
  • They were attentive and skilled. I have bad veins and he was able to put IV in with no pain (16-73264 J. Monhan, F. Tomboly)
  • Kept me informed and calmed me down.
  • Prompt-courteous attendants
  • Appreciated
  • Outstanding!
  • Very caring service. Thank you!
  • Great treatment and concern could not have been better.
  • Caring, professional, and funny! (16-73491: J Duval, R. Bilodeau)
  • Excellent care was given. I felt comfortable and well cared for.

Meet the Newest Members of the Team: Aetna Hires Three – 2016

HARTFORD — In October, 2016 two EMTs and one Paramedic were added to the Aetna team. As part of our continued growth Aetna and ASM seek out only the best candidates. We look for employees who are focused on high-quality patient care, are team oriented and conduct themselves in a professional manner. During the orientation, employees learn about company philosophy and goals, quality assurance, and policies and procedures.

Courtney Graham:  FULL TIME, Paramedic. My name is Courtney Graham, I am 20 years old and currently live in Harwinton, CT. I have been in the field of Fire and EMS since my junior year of high school, volunteering for Harwinton Ambulance and HWSFD. I graduated college with a degree in Fire Science while attending classes at Wolcott State Fire School, and working as an EMT for Vintech the past couple years. I also help teach in the summer for Camp Fully Involved, an all women’s introduction to the fire service program at New Hampshire Fire Academy. After graduating, I attended New Britain EMS Academy Paramedic Program, where I found my true passion in Emergency Medicine. During the program I had the chance to complete part of my field internship with some of AETNA’s Paramedics and EMTs. I completed NBEMSA’s paramedic program in August as a part of Class 0815. I would like to work towards becoming a flight paramedic and eventually a D.O. where I hope to specialize in Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Outside of EMS, I enjoy traveling, hiking trips to Vermont and New Hampshire, sketching, photography and being with friends and family. I’m very excited to be continuing my EMS career as a Paramedic with AETNA and meeting the rest of the team!

Kyle Kureczka:  PART TIME, EMT. Hi my name is Kyle Kureczka, I am from Berlin, CT. For the last 5 years I have lived in Newport, RI where I went to school and played at Salve Regina University. The last year I have been working in the ER of four hospitals as a medical scribe. Aetna will be my first time working as an EMT. I plan to use my experience as an EMT to one day go to PA school. In my spare time I like to play soccer, work out, read, and be outdoors.

Michael Quezada:  FULL TIME, EMT. My name is Michael Quezada, I am 25 years of age .I got into EMS because I enjoy helping others and it is a very rewarding job. This will be my first time working for EMS and I wish to gain as much medical experience as I can while working for Aetna Ambulance. My future plans for EMS include: working as an EMT for a few years and then going back to school to obtain my Paramedic license. My hobbies are: long boarding, bodybuilding, calisthenics, playing video games and martial arts. I look forward to working with everyone at Aetna Ambulance and making new friends!