Cleared for Independent Dispatch: ASM’s Jared Krajewski Completes Precepting Phase

Jared KrajewskiMANCHESTER –  As of May 23, 2016, ASM’s Jared Krajewski has been cleared by Eastern Connecticut Health Network medical control for independent dispatch as a paramedic to the towns that ASM serves. His preceptors were Paramedic Supervisor Bob O’Neil and Paramedic Don Hart.

Jared started at ASM in August of 2013. He graduated from the Capital Community College Paramedic program. Jared has volunteered for the Bolton Volunteer Fire Department and worked in the Intensive Care Unit in Manchester Memorial Hospital.

As with all precepting phases at ASM, Jared’s final approval came from Eastern Connecticut Health Network after shadowing him and his preceptors in the field as they responded to emergency calls.

On behalf of the ASM Family, we would like to wish Jared the best of luck and say we are very proud to have such skilled professionals on staff.

ASM at Manchester High School Health Fair, 2016

MANCHESTER — On May 24, 2016 ASM’s Billy Schnepp and Brian Langan attended a Health Fair at Manchester High School to talk to students about about emergency medical services as a health-related career and the role of Paramedics and EMTs during medical emergencies and within the health system.

MHS Health Fair 2016

Aetna at MD Fox School’s Career Day 2016

HARTFORD — On May 18, 2016 Aetna’s TJ Wain and Sean Howard attended MD Fox School’s Career Day to talk to 8th grade students about EMS as a career, Paramedics and EMTs, and medical emergencies. According to organizers, the focus of Career Day was to expose 8th graders to different careers that may interest them.

Aetna at MD Fox Career Day

Words That Describe Us: Volume 81

Aetna Ambulance Service, Inc. - Ambulance Service of Manchester, LLC.MANCHESTER and HARTFORD — Aetna Ambulance and ASM send Patient and Customer Satisfaction Surveys to a random sampling of patients who have received emergency or STAT inter-facility services from our companies.

The final part of the survey asks that the respondent, “Please use a word or phrase to describe us and/or the ambulance crew.”

Some of the most recent answers and responses provided in the survey responses include the following quotes:

  • Caring, Respectful. They instantly made me feel like everything was going to be okay. The two people were just so wonderful, extremely concerned and empathetic. (16-29487; J. Pearson, K. Stewart).
  • I was very impressed with the professionalism and care. Keep up the great work! (16-29485; R. McConville, T. Luetjen with Manchester Fire Rescue EMS).
  • Great guys. The EMTs came back after my [procedure] to see how I was doing. That meant a lot to me. I can’t thank them enough for their help. (16-28750; S. Gregg, A. Hernandez with Manchester Fire Rescue EMS).
  • Very skilled and caring! Thank you!
  • Wonderful.
  • Men were excellent, caring, professional.
  • Very nice.
  • Well educated. Good job accomplished. (16-30579; J. Shapiro, M. Bouley).
  • Very professional and caring.
  • Very professional, good sense of humor while providing excellent care. (16-30776; B. Langan, J. Craig).
  • The [crew was] wonderful to my husband! (16-30557; E. Sheils, A. Linardo).
  • WOW!
  • Assured me I’d be ok (well cared for).
  • Caring and knowledgeable.
  • The crew were so good.
  • The ambulance crew could not have been kinder or more comforting. I was grateful. (16-31261; M. Tuttle, J. Startup).
  • Very competent.
  • Caring x 2.
  • I felt that they did everything in a professional manner and greatly helped me relax. I felt safe + secure! Thank you. (16-32106; G. Geres, C. Haag).
  • Medics were very kind, considerate and made me feel very comfortable on my first ambulance ride.
  • Very good.
  • Caring and highly professional. They made my five year old feel very comfortable and no scared! (16-31973; G. Geres, C. Haag).
  • Professional and caring. I have never been transported by an ambulance. I was a little anxious, however the team eased my worries. I appreciated their personal and professional care. (16-24253; K. Caldwell, C. Masslon with Manchester Fire Rescue EMS).

Schedule of EMS Week 2016 Events and Activities

EMS Week 2013 - Aetna Ambulance Ambulance Service of ManchesterEMS Week 2016

Sunday, May 15th

  • Saint Francis Hospital: juice, coffee and tea available all day. 
Monday, May 16th
  • 0730-1030: Saint Francis Hospital Emergency Department: Hot breakfast buffet.
  • 0800-1600: ECHN EMS Lecture Series: New topic every hour on the hour, to be held as ASM at 275 New State Road, Manchester. RSVP to
  • 1000: The staff of OEMS will join the Council of Regional Chairpersons (CORC) in celebration of the annual EMS awards at the State Capitol.  All are welcome. THe Ceremony will take place in the Old Judiciary Room and will honor individuals and services from throughout Connecticut.
  • Hartford Hospital has fresh fruit in the EMS room and an EMS Week gift at EMS Education.
Tuesday, May 17th
  • 0730-1200:  Hartford Hospital, EMS Week Symposium, ERC 221. A multidisciplinary group of physicians deliver engaging, EMS-specific presentations.  There is no charge. All levels of provider are encouraged to attend.  You may register by contacting HH EMS Education directly at 
  • 0730-1030: Saint Francis Hospital Emergency Department: Hot breakfast buffet.
  • 1330: Hartford Hospital, EMS Week Symposium, ERC 221, practical lab.
  • 1800: Johnson Memorial Medical Center BBQ. CME follows BBQ at CMEC Amphitheater (the building on the right as you enter the main hospital driveway), 201 Chestnut Hill Road.
Wednesday, May 18th
  • 0730-1030: Saint Francis Hospital Emergency Department: Hot breakfast buffet.
  • 1130-13300: Saint Francis Hospital, Emergency Department: Burrito Buffet Lunch.
  • 1200-1400: Hartford Hospital (outside of Conklin Building) Annual Cook-out
  • 1730-1900: Hartford Hospital (outside of Conklin Building) Annual Cook-out.
  • 1800: Greater Hartford EMS Bowling Night: Callahan’s Bowl-a-Rama in Newington, Special Price, RSVP to John Quinlavin or Rich Antonelli by May 15th.
Thursday, May 19th
  • 0700-0900: Aetna and ASM employees are invited to ASM’s conference room to meet and speak with representatives of MassMutual, Edge Fitness and a dietitian as part of our commitment to total employee health.
  • 0730-1030: Saint Francis Hospital Emergency Department: Hot breakfast buffet.
  • Hartford Hospital EMS Room: Fresh fruit available.
  • 1700-1900: Saint Francis Hospital, Emergency Department: Burrito Buffet Dinner.
  • 1730: Saint Francis Hospital Emergency Department: Annual EMS Champion Award.
Friday, May 20th
  • 0700-0900: Hartford Hospital EMS Room: Join us for breakfast. 
  • 0730-1030: Saint Francis Hospital Emergency Department: Hot breakfast buffet.
Saturday, May 21st
  • Saint Francis Hospital: juice, coffee and tea available all day. 

If your organization, facility or agency is having an EMS Week event in the greater Hartford area and you do not see it listed here, please email it to a member of our management team, fill out the contact form, post it as a comment or email it to us at

Kudos from the Cath Lab: Volume 18

Aetna Paramedic receives Kudos from the Cath LabSOMERS — During early May 2016, ASM Paramedic Billy Schnepp and his partner Brian Langan responded to a medical call in Somers, CT. The EKG was indicative of a STEMI and Billy wirelessly transmitted the 12-lead EKG to UConn Health in Farmington, activating their cardiac catherization lab from the field. (#16-33635).

Per UConn Health: 
A 12-lead ECG revealed a high lateral STEMI. Schnepp consulted with medical control for destination due to patient’s requested choice of PCI center, and received permission to transport to UCONN John Dempsey Hospital. Due to concern for potential patient deterioration, Schnepp received intercept help from Windsor EMS paramedic Wayne Cabral.

STEMI UConnSchnepp called in a STEMI Alert from 33 minutes out. When they arrived at the hospital, thanks to the early notification, the patient was taken directly to the cardiac cath lab on the EMS stretcher where Dr. Michael Azrin and team found a 100% acute thrombic occlusion of the patient’s mid left Anterior Descending Artery (LAD), which was successfully cleared and stented, restoring perfusion. The patient is doing well, thanks to the great job by the EMS/Hospital STEMI team!

19 Minute Door to Balloon. 71 Minute First Medical Contact to Balloon
ED Team: Paul Kaloudis, MD, Leslie Mulhall, RN
Cardiology/Cath Lab Team—Dr. Christopher Pickett, Dr. Michael Azrin, Dr. Nelson Chavarria, Elizabeth Drotar,
R.N., Patricia. Weigle, R.N. , Patty Fagan, R.N., Shelia LaFleur, R.N.

Words That Describe Us: Volume 80

Aetna Ambulance Service, Inc. - Ambulance Service of Manchester, LLC.MANCHESTER and HARTFORD — Aetna Ambulance and ASM send Patient and Customer Satisfaction Surveys to a random sampling of patients who have received emergency or STAT inter-facility services from our companies.

The final part of the survey asks that the respondent, “Please use a word or phrase to describe us and/or the ambulance crew.”

Some of the most recent answers and responses provided in the survey responses include the following quotes:

  • Efficient and friendly.
  • Very caring and efficient.
  • Positive, gentle, kind, ie wonderful! (16-22822; T. Wallace, J. Craig).
  • Professional, courteous.
  • They moved quickly and met all my needs.
  • Caring.
  • Excellence!!
  • Kind, caring, very capable and professional. (16-23554; R. Balkun, A. Cichy).
  • Everyone seemed to know exactly what to do.
  • Very good.
  • Polite + caring.
  • Polite, courteous, knowledgeable, friendly, reassuring + just wonderful! Did their job perfectly. (16-23731; S. Crittenden, J. Bush).
  • Experienced, empathetic, skilled, resourceful + professional.
  • Excellent care.
  • Very good.
  • Professional.
  • Very comforting. I felt safe putting myself in their hands to deal with my injury. (16-22905; R. O’Neil, B. Langan).
  • The EMT was exceptional; both caring and concerned. They locked my house, got my cell and keys. True professionals. (16-26161; J. Lentini, J. Startup with Manchester Fire Rescue EMS).
  • Safe and consider. Went the extra mile.
  • Good job. Keep up the good work you do.
  • Saviors.
  • Excellent.
  • Great stuff.
  • Professional and caring people. I loved the treatment and kindness they showed me. (16-28797; S. Gregg, A. Hernandez).
  • Professional + calming.
  • Very kind + put me at ease.
  • Everyone courteous and professional at my home.
  • Outstanding and caring.
  • Caring, kind and respectful. (16-23168; M. Osborne, M. Uddin).

ASM at Bowers Elementary School’s 3rd Annual Career Day

MANCHESTER — On April 29, 2016 ASM’s Ryan Bochman and Cody Lemire attended Bowers Elementary School 3rd Annual Career Day to talk to the children about ambulances, Paramedics and EMTs, and medical emergencies.


Words That Describe Us: Volume 79

Aetna Ambulance Service, Inc. - Ambulance Service of Manchester, LLC.MANCHESTER and HARTFORD — Aetna Ambulance and ASM send Patient and Customer Satisfaction Surveys to a random sampling of patients who have received emergency or STAT inter-facility services from our companies.

The final part of the survey asks that the respondent, “Please use a word or phrase to describe us and/or the ambulance crew.”

Some of the most recent answers and responses provided in the survey responses include the following quotes:

  • Very professional and comforting.
  • Very competent and professional.
  • Caring
  • Everybody took great care of me and I felt safe being in extremely competent hands. Everybody reacted to my needs in a calm, expedient and professional manner. (16-19144; K. Russell, C. Masslon with Tolland Fire Department).
  • Very professional.
  • Proficient.
  • Happy they’re around for people in need. Thank you all.
  • The ambulance crew was excellent. (16-15623; R. Fraley, J. Bak).
  • Ambulance crew was very professional and knowledgeable.
  • The two paramedics were so helpful. The ambulance crew was great.
  • Brilliant and hard workers coupled with excellence. (16-19140; J. Traber, B. Langan).
  • Patient and comforting.
  • Fabulous, caring – very kind.
  • Responsive, caring and professional! (16-7415; S. Whalen, R. Berwick).
  • Concerned, caring.
  • Professional, courteous, helpful.
  • Professionals.
  • Professional, caring, good communication, put me at ease, excellent. (16-18316; K. Stewart, J. Pearson).
  • They were very professional, polite, and helpful.
  • Very professional, sufficient, well trained & very passionate.
  • Kind + considerate.
  • Very kind.
  • Courteous, efficient.
  • Caring.
  • It was very good/excellent.
  • Very caring and concerned. Both people who came were very nice. Also, the firemen who came were great! (16-22899; J. Rasmussen, R. Fraley with East Hartford Fire Department).

‘Words cannot explain the gratitude’

R515_2013In an email from April 2016, regarding a response from ASM’s Melissa Osborne, her partner Matt Kleza, and Andover Fire Department:

Dear Melissa, Ben, John and John,

Words cannot explain the gratitude my wife and I have for everyone for coming to the rescue two weeks ago during my heart attack. As Murphy’s Law would have it, the one time we said this winter “what the heck let the sun melt the snow”, little did we know we’d need a 4WD ambulance rescue!  Your team performed admirably under tough conditions during the rescue. Many thanks go especially to Melissa for remembering to grab the “go” bag as we passed by the stuck ambulance. Holding may hand thru the terrible, excruciating pain at first kept me from passing out and of course your defibrillation brought me back to life on the way to Hartford Hospital….

Another defibrillation on the table and two stents later, I’m now resting at home for a few weeks hoping to get back to teaching my students. Once again thanks to the AFD, Melissa and the dispatchers for all you did on the morning of April Xth and continue to do each day for all of us. Hope to see everyone at your annual steak dinner again, however maybe this time it will be a veggie platter for me…



Words That Describe Us: Volume 78

Aetna Ambulance Service, Inc. - Ambulance Service of Manchester, LLC.MANCHESTER and HARTFORD — Aetna Ambulance and ASM send Patient and Customer Satisfaction Surveys to a random sampling of patients who have received emergency or STAT inter-facility services from our companies.

The final part of the survey asks that the respondent, “Please use a word or phrase to describe us and/or the ambulance crew.”

Some of the most recent answers and responses provided in the survey responses include the following quotes:

  • Very nice and skilled.
  • Very professional and knowing what they were doing.
  • Engaging and direct. Very pleasant and professional. (16-14296; M. Karanda, C. Raymes with East Hartford Fire Department).
  • Caring.
  • Very professional and kind.
  • K was wonderful. Very caring. (16-11446; K. Russell).
  • Ambulance personnel were very kind + professional.
  • They were incredible!
  • Good.
  • This was the first time I needed an ambulance and they were wonderful. (16-14092; R. Gonska, J. Monahan).
  • Nice people very caring.
  • Very caring.
  • This town is very fortunate to have such professional service. Thank you. (16-16537; C. Raymes, R. Davenport with Manchester Fire Rescue EMS).
  • Great, helpful.
  • Efficient, knowledgeable, caring.
  • Professional enough.
  • Caring.
  • Your lead EMT was outstanding, compassionate and very reassuring. (16-12593; indications that they are referring to FF-Paramedic from Manchester Fire Rescue EMS).
  • They treated me excellent and w/ kind (sic).
  • Professional.
  • Polite Professional Caring.
  • Sympathetic & caring…listened to my concerns…very professional. (16-15940; M. Sparks, H. Marshall with Manchester Fire Rescue EMS).
  • Highly professional.
  • Very professional.
  • Courteous, sympathetic, qualified.
  • Professional, compassionate.
  • They were very nice.
  • Very professional and caring.
  • Highly skilled.
  • Excellent!
  • Caring and professional.

New Aetna and ASM websites now live

Aetna Ambulance website ASM websiteMANCHESTER — Updated versions of the Aetna and ASM websites are now live and can be viewed by clicking on the logo of each company at

Available on the sites are forms, information on services, ride along and field internship, access to the company blog, contact information and more.

The sites were built by Image Works web design in Vernon, CT.

Praise for ASM Staff: ‘Professional, courteous, attentive’

Thank You LetterFrom a letter dated March 23, 2016, sent to ASM:

I would like to commend your staff of EMTs for the excellent service they provided while transporting my husband and me from the Woodlake Rehabilitation Center in Tolland to the Hospital of Saint Raphael in New Haven on a weekly basis for the past two months. They were professional, courteous, and attentive. Please extend our thanks and appreciation to the EMTs who provided us with such a valuable service.


[Patient’s spouse]

Words That Describe Us: Volume 77

Aetna Ambulance Service, Inc. - Ambulance Service of Manchester, LLC.MANCHESTER and HARTFORD — Aetna Ambulance and ASM send Patient and Customer Satisfaction Surveys to a random sampling of patients who have received emergency or STAT inter-facility services from our companies.

The final part of the survey asks that the respondent, “Please use a word or phrase to describe us and/or the ambulance crew.”

Some of the answers/responses included:

  • Efficient + reassuring.
  • Human.
  • Very empathetic and caring team! Paramedics kept me calm with their humor and they worked together and were serious when they needed to be serious. Stayed and talked to me in hospital, very comforting. (16-6983; R. Buechele, M. Sparks).
  • Terrific.
  • Quick and professional.
  • Professional. Your ambulance crew was very knowledgeable, professional and well trained. They also maintained an extremely clean and organized ambulance. (16-8400; J. Rasmussen, R. Fross).
  • I thought your people were professional and knowledgeable.
  • Confident. My husband had a stroke – they were very respectful of his privacy + comfort. He doesn’t remember much but does say they were very good to him.
  • Efficient, professional and caring.
  • Excellent!
  • Thank you for great care.
  • B was very good. She is an asset to your service. (16-11184; B. Sheils).
  • Very professional and comforting.
  • Excellent.
  • Aetna was awesome, and in the past, has been incredible. I appreciate all you guys do. (16-8095; J. Platero, B. Gregorieff).
  • Professional x 2.
  • Glad they came quickly. Thank you.
  • Very professional.
  • Professional and personable and efficient.
  • Awesome.
  • Worked well as a team. Team leader S. directed crew well. Experienced. He seemed to have lot of experience dealing with my child’s condition. (16-13253; S. Lowe with Rocky Hill Volunteer Ambulance).
  • Caring and professional.
  • I appreciate the professional way they did their work. Well trained. Thank you. (16-13234; J. Rodriguez, J. Tyree).
  • Excellent care.