Category Archives: Community Relations Event
The Hartford Circus Fire and Aetna Ambulance: Volume 6
by Sam Porcello
Miss earlier volumes? Click here…
One of the things that surprised me the most during my project research was the fact that the Gradys concealed their ownership of Aetna Ambulance, afraid that, 20 years before the Civil Rights Amendment, people would be reluctant to do business with African Americans. As Mrs. Grady recounted:
“(My family) found it difficult to get loans to finance their business. My dad was a local artist and would use what money he received from selling his paintings into the ambulance business. He was also a barber! They would conceal their ownership in the following ways: 1) By calling their business Aetna [ostensibly named, with permission, after the insurance company that they worked for] instead of Grady Ambulance because they knew that the general public would probably not do business with them because of the color of their skin; 2) When they appeared in photographs together helping patients they were careful not to have their names recorded or their actual relationship to the business recorded. People would believe that they were only the ‘ambulance attendants’ which was the intention.”
Emergency Of Hunger Food Drive Starts In Four Towns
The Hartford Courant
3:37 p.m. EST, November 15, 2013
Read the Courant version here…
MANCHESTER — Emergency responders and Rotary Club members launched a regional drive Friday to collect food and other donations for needy people.
This is the fifth year of the Emergency of Hunger Food Drive. Representatives of police, fire and ambulance agencies, Rotary Club members and pantry managers from Manchester, South Windsor and Vernon gathered Friday at Manchester Area Conference of Churches Charities to kick off the drive.
Volunteers in those towns, Enfield and Windsor collect food and monetary donations at area supermarkets. In the past five years, the drive has gathered about 108,000 food and personal care items, 4,100 turkeys and more than $75,000 in cash, checks and gift cards, organizers said.
All collections are to be held at Stop & Shop supermarkets, except one at Geissler’s Supermarket in South Windsor. Dates and times for the collections are:
Manchester — Saturday and Sunday and Nov. 23 and 24 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; 286 Broad St.
Enfield — Sunday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; 54 Hazard Ave.
Rockville — Nov. 23 and 24 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; 50 Windsorville Road
Vernon — Nov. 23 and 24 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; 10 Pitkin Road
South Windsor — Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 3 the Stop & Shop at 1739 Ellington Road and on the same days and times at Geissler’s Supermarket, 965 Sullivan Ave.
Windsor held its collection earlier this month, organizers said.
All food and donations go to food banks in the towns where they are donated, organizers said.
“In other words, everything stays local so that neighbors are helping neighbors,” organizer David Skoczulek of Ambulance Service of Manchester wrote in a news release.
Movember Team: Ambulance Service of Moustache
MANCHESTER — ASM EMT Sean Norton writes, “You may have seen several ASM employees with oddly shaped facial hair at work lately. This is not only because it looks great but we are doing it to change the face of men’s health. Movember was started to raise money for the research of testicular and prostate cancer as well as mental health.

Some members of ASM’s Movember Team: (L to R) Sean Norton, Jonathan Lentini, Matt Tuttle and Steeve Parent. Missing: Kevin King and Vinnie Maston.
We have a team called Ambulance Service of Moustache that can be found by following the link. That will bring you to my page just click donate and choose our team. Any little bit you could give would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your consideration.”
‘Emergency of Hunger’ Food Drive Begins This Weekend
MANCHESTER — The Fifth Annual ‘Emergency of Hunger’ Food Drive officially starts this weekend. Emergency and public service agencies in five communities band together with Rotary Clubs to collect for local food banks.
Further details on the Food Drive: This is year five and thus far we have collected: 108,000 food and personal care items, 4100 turkeys and over $75,000 in cash, checks and gift cards.
Here are the currently scheduled Food Drive dates and times by town. The following are Stop and Shop locations unless otherwise noted:
- Enfield: 54 Hazard Avenue. November 17: 900a-400p.
- Manchester: 286 Broad Street. November 16, 17, 23 and 24. 900a-500p.
- Rockville: 50 Windsorville Road. November 23 and 24. 900a-400p.
- Vernon: 10 Pitkin Road. November 23 and 24. 900a-400p
- South Windsor: 1739 Ellington Road. November 16, 17. 900a-300p.
- South Windsor: 965 Sullivan Ave. November 16, 17. 900a-300p (Geisslers)
- Windsor: Was held November 2, 3, 9 and 10.
Aetna’s Preston Ryzak Visits Cherry Brook Primary School
Note: Aetna Ambulance does NOT provide emergency services to the Town of Canton. Always dial 9-1-1 in the case of an emergency.
CANTON — On October 27, 2013 Aetna’s Preston Ryzak visited Canton’s Cherry Brook Primary School, specifically Mrs. Lippincott’s class, to show the students an ambulance, up close and personal.
School visits serve to increase children’s awareness of Emergency Medical Services, when to call 911, what Paramedics and EMTs do to help people and why serving the community is important.
Aetna Ambulance Visits Glastonbury’s Goddard School

GLASTONBURY — On October 23, 2013 Aetna’s Trisha Webster and Matthew Carter visited Goddard School on Eastern Boulevard in Glastonbury, CT to perform a show-and-tell for the three and four year-old children who attend Pre-K at the school.
Trisha and Matt talked about calling 9-1-1 and not being afraid of EMS, Police or Fire Personnel when they arrive to help. They had them go through the ambulance with the help of a Caillou doll to demonstrate the experience. Lots of questions and some stories from the children followed.
ASM at Downtown Manchester’s ‘Halloween Happenings’
MANCHESTER — On October 26, 2013 Ambulance Service of Manchester Paramedic Rory Leslie and EMT Matt Tuttle set up an “Amb-boo-lance” near Pinewood Furniture as part of Downtown Manchester’s Halloween Happenings.
Matt and Rory gave out treats to the trick-or-treaters making their way to each store and business taking part in the event on Main Street.
It was estimated that around 1000 children took part.
The Hartford Circus Fire and Aetna Ambulance: Volume 5
by Sam Porcello
Miss earlier volumes? Click here…
Mrs. Grady was really helpful and supportive, and provided me with photos and additional information about her family. She also referred me to Robert John Titus. I was fascinated to learn how the Grady brothers, who received some basic medical training in the Navy, were inspired to begin a full time ambulance company following the Hartford Circus Fire. They saw a need for the service, and became only the second private ambulance company to serve Hartford.
More importantly, Aetna Ambulance was the first private ambulance company in Hartford to provide formal medical training to its employees. The Gradys didn’t stop there, reaching out beyond Hartford to help train other ambulance services. Mrs. Evans wrote to me that:
“My Aunt Jean was a member of the Red Cross and was a medical instructor. She helped state wide ambulance employees including Ambulance Service of Manchester, Wethersfield and Rocky Hill Volunteer Ambulance Service members retain their licenses…as Emergency Medical Technicians.”
Gizmo the Therapy Dog Talks Up ASM at Crestfield Health Fair
MANCHESTER — From the Facebook account of Gizmo, the Therapy Dog:
“Hi Frens! After a great day at his excellent high school, Gizmo was so excited to his ASM ambulance frens at the Crestfield Rehabilitation Center Health Fair today. Gizmo has gladly ridden on these beds with patients before, to help calm them before they go into the ambulance. We would like to thank the ASM Ambulance staff, all rescue workers, for the wonderful, selfless work you do comforting those in need and saving lives. Cuz we’re frens!”
ASM to Appear in Manchester Fire Department Parade Sunday

Credit – Hartford Courant
MANCHESTER — In a show of pride and a celebration of history, the Eighth Utilities District Manchester Fire Department will hold a parade Sunday.
The 125th anniversary parade is scheduled to step off at 1 p.m. with lights flashing, sirens wailing, bagpipes and drums sounding and firefighters from throughout the region marching in full dress uniform.
Among the 40 contingents slated to march, most represent fire departments, parade Chairman and Eight District firefighter Ryan Bilodeau said. Marchers will include first responders from the Manchester Police Department and Ambulance Service of Manchester, along with the Manchester Regional Police & Fire Pipe Band and the Patriot Guard Riders.
ASM to Appear at Crestfield Rehabilitation Center’s Wellness Fair
MANCHESTER — On Thursday, October 10, 2013 a crew from the Ambulance Service of Manchester will appear at Crestfield Rehabilitation Center and Fenwood Manor, a skilled nursing facility in Manchester. The rehab center is holding its annual Wellness Fair and Apple Festival from 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm.
Free Flu Shots, oral care, blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose screenings will be done on-site as well as muscle and nerve screens, balance testing, chair massage and more. ASM’s crew will give ambulance tours and describe our services.
Crestfield is at 565 Vernon Street in Manchester. Contact Kelly at (860) 643-5151 with questions.
Congratulations to South Windsor Fire Department
From the South Windsor Patch:
Happy Anniversary! South Windsor at the Parade
SOUTH WINDSOR — Hundreds of firefighters, fife and drum corps and emergency service but by far best represented were South Windsor’s finest – police, firefighters and Explorers, elected officials, veterans, ambulance… See the full gallery here.
ASM was proud and honored to participate in the parade component and congratulates South Windsor Fire Department on their 75th Anniversary.
ASM at Scouts’ Family Day in East Hartford
EAST HARTFORD — On September 7, 2013, Ambulance Service of Manchester’s (ASM) Heather DiGirolamo and Matt Kleza presented the basics of Emergency Medical Services and gave ambulance tours at a Scouting Family Day on the East Hartford town green. (Picture appears with written troop leader permission).
ASM in ‘Run or Dye’ 5k, Most Interesting Ambulance Crew in the World
HARTFORD — On July 20, 2013 a team from the Ambulance Service of Manchester participated in a Run or Dye event in Hartford.
According to their website, “Run or Dye is the world’s most colorful 5K, is a recreational 5K that celebrates fitness, friendship and fun while blasting participants with safe, eco-friendly, plant-based dye powder. A leader in the fitness literacy movement, Run or Dye’s mission is to encourage better health, fitness and nutrition decisions among its participants and supporters. With races planned in more than 50 high-profile venues across the country, it is expected that more than 500,000 people will Run or Dye in 2013.”
A picture of Team ASM after the event appeared on the Facebook page “The Most Interesting Ambulance Crew in the World”.