Category Archives: Community Relations Event
This Week: State Police Toy Drive to Benefit Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
HARTFORD — Aetna Ambulance and the Ambulance Service of Manchester have once again been asked to take part in the annual Connecticut State Police “Stuff-a-Cruiser” Toy Drive to benefit Connecticut Children’s Medical Center.
The Toy Drive (or “Stuff-an-Ambulance”) is open for collection at the Manchester, Newington and West Hartford locations of Toys R Us on the following dates and times:
- Thursday 12/13: 4:00 pm-10:00 pm
- Friday 12/14: 4:00 pm-10:00 pm
- Saturday 12/15: 9:00 am-10:00 pm
- Sunday 12/16: 9:00 am-3:00 pm
Connecticut State Police, Aetna and ASM hope to collect enough toys in one weekend to give a toy to every child seen at Connecticut Children’s throughout the year.
Organizations or individuals that are interested in donating toys to this cause should call (860) 647-9798 x 249 for details or to arrange to have toys picked up at their location.
Bolton Brownies Learn About the Role of EMS and the Ambulance
BOLTON, CT – Brownie Troops 10635 and 10636 in Bolton (about 40 second and third graders) are currently working on earning a First Aid Badge. One of the requirements is to speak with a First Responder and Troop Leaders expressed that the girls were really interested in seeing an ambulance.
“On behalf of Brownie Troops 10635 and 10636, I would like to thank you for your teams for their time. The girls really enjoyed asking questions and have gained a real appreciation for the responsibilities of First Responders. Thank you again.”
– Sue, Troop Leader
NOTE: Within the Town of Bolton, ASM responds to medical emergencies in conjunction and cooperation with Bolton Fire Department (BFD). ASM provides ambulance and paramedic services for requests that come in via the 911 system. BFD is the designated First Responder and provides all rescue and fire suppression services to the Town of Bolton. In the event of an emergency, always dial 911.
Emergency of Hunger Food Drive 2012: The Impact
The final total for the Manchester team:
- Food items: 13,134
- Turkeys: 440
- Cash and checks: $4,196
The final totals for the entire Emergency of Hunger Food Drive for 2012, including Manchester, Rockville, South Windsor, Vernon and Windsor:
- Food items: 49,044
- Turkeys: 1,137
- Cash and checks: $21,638
‘Emergency of Hunger’ Food Drive Continues This Weekend
Click for the latest Hartford Courant article on the Food Drive…
First Weekend Totals:
- Food Items 14,646
- Cash $6656
- Turkeys 215
To Reach the Goals, the Second Weekend Must Total:
- Food Items 25,000
- Cash $28,000
- Turkeys 1,585
The food drive will take place on the following days and in the following Stop & Shop locations:
- Vernon (11-17 and 18): 10a-6p, 10 Pitkin Road, Vernon
- Rockville (11-17 and 18): 10a-6p, 50 Windsorville Road, Rockville
- Manchester (11-17 and 11-18): 10a-6p, 286 Broad St, Manchester
- South Windsor (11-17 and 18): 10a-6p,1739 Ellington Road, South Windsor
- Windsor (11-17 and 18): 10a-6p, 1095 Kennedy Road, Windsor
‘Emergency of Hunger’ Food Drive: 2012 Weekend #1
‘Emergency Of Hunger’ Food Drive Restocks Pantries At Critical Time

The fourth annual Emergency of Hunger Food Drive, a community staple in the Manchester area since its 2009 debut, serves much more than helping the town prepare for the holiday season.
While more than 1,000 Thanksgiving turkeys are donated each year to the food drive, which is organized locally by the Ambulance Service of Manchester, those who see hunger first-hand say the food drive allows food pantries to remain stocked in the slower winter months. Continue reading
ASM and MFRE: Fire Prevention Week Open House
MANCHESTER — From a card received October 24, 2012:
On behalf of the Fire Department and myself, I would like to thank you and the EMS crews who participated with us during our open house. As a long standing partner and critical component of our EMS [system], it was only appropriate for ASM to be there!
The EMS crews were polite, courteous and professional. They took the time to answer questions, give tours of the ambulance and displayed much of their medical equipment.
Again, I would like to express our gratitude and thanks!
FF Jay Gonzalez
Manchester Fire Rescue EMS (MFRE)
ASM and Manchester 8th Utilities District Team Up to Present “People Who Help”
MANCHESTER — For the week of October 14-20, ASM and the Manchester Fire Department teamed up to give Fire Prevention and People Who Help presentations at the elementary schools throughout the Eighth District.
In a letter from the Bureau of Fire Prevention of the Manchester Fire Department:
Thank you for assisting us with our Fire Prevention Week! The kids LOVED seeing the equipment and having the opportunity to walk inside an ambulance. We cannot say thank you enough! I have included in this letter some pictures that you might enjoy.
Your friends,
The Manchester 8th Utilities District Fire Department
Chuck Roode at Goddard School’s EMS Awareness Day
Vinnie Maston Lectures at the CREC Public Safety Academy

Vinnie Maston at CREC Public Safety Academy
ENFIELD — On two dates this fall ASM’s Vinnie Maston will be presenting different concepts in Emergency Medical Services to the students of the Capitol Region Education Council (CREC)’s Public Safety Academy (PSA) in Enfield.
According to their website, “the PSA provides a systems-based approach curriculum to teach students the skills they will need to be community leaders and servants. This approach teaches students from diverse backgrounds to appreciate their similarities and differences while preparing them for the best colleges and success in their chosen public safety and service careers in the various communities they will serve.”
Vinnie tailored his lecture to the topic of each class throughout the day, including science, math and history.
ASM at CCC Farmer’s Association Emergency Medical Response Day
MANCHESTER — On September 20, 2012 the Ambulance Service of Manchester sent a crew to represent ASM at the Central Connecticut Cooperative Farmers Association Farmer’s Market on Oakland Street in Manchester.
CCC designated it Emergency Medical Response Day and invited customers to climb in and take a tour of our ambulance. ASM is committed to demonstrating our long-term commitment to the communities we serve. This commitment includes supporting organizations and events that contribute to the health of the public.
The Central Connecticut Cooperative Farmers Association is owned by farmer members and operates the only farmer owned and operated feed mill in Connecticut. Their farm stand provides an outlet for farmers to sell their product and allows customers to purchase Connecticut grown and manufactured products.
Wishes on Wheels: ASM Convoys for the Make-A-Wish Foundation

Johnny Loukides and Family with ASM’s Stephanie Boutot
HARTFORD — On Sunday, September 17th, the Ambulance Service of Manchester participated in the 13th annual “Wishes on Wheels” Truck Convoy to benefit the Make-a-Wish Connecticut Foundation. Last year’s event raised $50,000.
Stephanie Boutot drove ASM’s entry, a Mercedes Sprinter, as part of her fourth year in the event. Johnny Loukides and his family chose the ambulance as their ride for the convoy.
Names and pictures appear with express permission of the individuals shown. Read a Hartford Courant article about the event here…

ASM Ambulance Among the Other Wishes On Wheels Trucks
ASM On Hand at Lutz Children’s Museum – Farm Day 2012

ASM’s Rory Leslie at Lutz Farm Day
BOLTON — On September 1, 2012 a paramedic crew from the Ambulance Service of Manchester was on hand at Fish Family Farm for the Lutz Children’s Museum’s Farm Day 2012. The event, which drew over 3,000 people, included animals, live music, hay rides, bounce houses, farmer’s market, games and farm fresh ice cream.
ASM performed a medical standby alongside Bolton Fire Department partners. The standby served a dual purpose as the children were able to take tours of the ambulance and fire apparatus. The ambulance crew was Heather Carl and Rory Leslie and they took pictures from the event.
Click to see more photos… Continue reading
Aetna’s Tiago Paula Santos Visits CCMC’s Kids Are Great Learning Center

Aetna Ambulance – Tiago Paula Santos Visits CCMC Day Care Center
HARTFORD — Aetna EMT-Intermediate Tiago Paula Santos made a recent visit to Connecticut Children’s Medical Center’s Kids Are Great Learning Center to do a show-and-tell with an Aetna ambulance. Continue reading