Paralyzed Man Gets Surprise Lift To Son’s Graduation

Read the original Fox CT story here…


A paralyzed Connecticut man was given a special gift Monday by a generous ambulance company. Frank Foster was transported from New Britain to Danbury by the Ambulance Service of Manchester to see his only son graduate from Bethel High School.

“None of us expected this. If it wasn’t for my friends at the ambulance company, it wouldn’t have happened,” Foster said.

Foster has spent most of his time in hospitals since a devastating incident a few years ago. He suffered from an aortic aneurism resulting in a spinal cord injury.

“I was in my living room and all the sudden, I dropped to the floor. Luckily my phone was next to me,” Foster said.

He had discussed his son Paul’s graduation with ASM employees but did not learn that the company was transporting him, free of charge, until a few months later.

“Surprise is an understatement,” Foster said. Read more from Fox 61 here…

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