ROCKY HILL — On September 18, 2015 crews from Aetna Ambulance were on hand for the Connecticut Department of Veteran’s Affairs 2015 “Stand Down.” The eight hour event offers veterans access to medical screenings, veteran benefit information (State and Federal), legal and motor vehicle assistance and employment and educational assistance.
Tag Archives: Ambulance companies in Connecticut
ASM On Hand at the Wapping Fair in South Windsor
SOUTH WINDSOR — On September 10-13, 2015 crews from the Ambulance Service of Manchester were on hand at the Wapping Fair in South Windsor. The event is organized by the South Windsor Jaycees Foundation and is billed as an exciting combination of fun, unique entertainment and lots of family friendly hands on attractions, two of which were sponsored by ASM.
ASM performed a medical standby alongside South Windsor Fire Department partners. The standby served a dual purpose as the children were able to take tours of the ambulance and fire apparatus. Photos courtesy of Cody Lemire, Cheryl Everest and Brad McDonald.
Words That Describe Us: Volume 63
MANCHESTER and HARTFORD — Aetna Ambulance and ASM send Patient and Customer Satisfaction Surveys to a random sampling of patients who have received emergency or STAT inter-facility services from our companies.
The final part of the survey asks that the respondent, “Please use a word or phrase to describe us and/or the ambulance crew.”
Some of the answers/responses included:
- Awesome! This is the 2nd time I’ve had to use ASM. In both times, due to my 911 call, your response, your whole team, their concerns and compassion for me is on a scale of 1-10 a “10”. Thank you for being there. (15-54890; M. Osborne, B. Langan with Manchester Fire Rescue EMS).
- Highly professional and surprisingly empathetic. (15-50046; R. O’Neil, K. King).
- Very nice, compassionate, well trained.
- Prompt and efficient.
- Kind.
- Kind + professional.
- Very professional and caring.
- Absolutely wonderful!
- Were caring – patient – comfortable.
- Attendant + concerned.
- They were very professional.
- They were concerned about me, which I appreciated. (15-59529; M. Levasseur, J. Startup).
- Skilled, professional and caring.
- Excellent!
- Top notch services across the board.
- Professional & caring.
- Excellent, prompt + professional.
- Very good.
- Caring + professional.
- The two fellows that came were absolutely wonderful. Thank you for your service. (15-61011; M. Tuttle, S. Yenco).
- A & J were professional & courteous at a very stressful time. I was injured just before my son’s wedding & they were great. (15-60976; A. Fine, J. Duval).
- I felt very comfortable with those people.
- Very professional.
- The Best.
- Very good!
- Professional, compassionate, competent.
- Helpful. Accommodating.
ASM On Hand: Farm Day 2015 at Fish Family Farm
BOLTON — On September 5, 2015 a crew from the Ambulance Service of Manchester was on hand at Fish Family Farm for the Lutz Children’s Museum’s Farm Day 2015. The event, which drew over 3,000 people, included animals, live music, hay rides, bounce houses, farmer’s market, games and farm fresh ice cream.
ASM performed a medical standby alongside Bolton Fire Department partners. The standby served a dual purpose as the children were able to take tours of the ambulance and fire apparatus. The ambulance crew was Heather DiGirolamo and Matt Kleza, the same two from last year, and they took pictures from the event.
INTERACT Training for Emergency Medical Services – The ‘Red Envelope’
INTERACT stands for Interventions to Reduce Acute Care Transfers. It is a quality improvement program designed to improve the early identification, assessment, documentation, and communication about changes in the status of residents in skilled nursing facilities.
The goal of INTERACT is to improve care and reduce the frequency of potentially avoidable transfers to the acute hospital. Such transfers can result in numerous complications of hospitalization, and billions of dollars in unnecessary health care expenditures. It includes clinical and educational tools and strategies for use in every day practice in long-term care facilities.
Here is the link to the INTERACT Training for Emergency Services:
Then select “INTERACT Training for Emergency Services”
The training is about 12 minutes in length and covers the new acute care transfer process between a participating nursing home and hospital.
- Not all nursing homes are part of this initiative so EMS will find that some homes will still be using the W-10 and other documents during their acute care transfers
- The nursing homes that are using the red envelope as part of their new acute care transfer process will seal the red envelope and have a set of transfer documents for the EMS service so they will not have to open the envelope
- The rollout date to begin using the new acute care transfer process and the red envelope is August 31, 2015.
- The entire red envelope should be handed to the ED staff either at triage or in the ED room as the patient is being transferred from the stretcher to the bed
- The red envelope is to be used only for acute care transfers between participating nursing homes and hospital – they should not be used for other types of transfers
- There will not be a W-10 as part of the transfer documents – the front page of the INTERACT transfer form along with the residents’ face sheet meet the Department of Health Public Health Code requirements
Words That Describe Us: Volume 62
MANCHESTER and HARTFORD — Aetna Ambulance and ASM send Patient and Customer Satisfaction Surveys to a random sampling of patients who have received emergency or STAT inter-facility services from our companies.
The final part of the survey asks that the respondent, “Please use a word or phrase to describe us and/or the ambulance crew.”
Some of the answers/responses included:
- Professional x 4.
- Good.
- The ambulance crew were kind and considerate. [They] were gentlemen. (15-49319; M. Karr, J. Brungard).
- Professional, caring.
- Compassionate, caring, skilled. (15-44193; M. Khan, K. Russell).
- Exceptional service & care!
- The best ever, awesome people.
- Very respectful and good at their jobs. (15-54240; J. Bush, K. King with Manchester Fire Rescue EMS).
- Extremely efficient, comforting, skilled, knowledgeable individuals who seemed to genuinely care about the patient + enjoy their work. S. was excellent and had a great bedside manner that truly decreased my pain + anxiety. (15-54546; D. Kemp, S. Jachym).
- Very helpful, made me feel at ease. I felt I was finally being helped. (15-55056; R. Bilodeau, R. Anderson).
- All personnel were very compassionate, caring, & attentive, interaction with family members was outstanding. (15-55405; S. Gregg, M. Hoyt).
- Tremendous.
- Professional, caring, concerned.
- Thank you for caring for me when I was injured!!
- Right on top of things.
- Very professional.
- Wonderful.
- Professional, highly skilled + attentive. (15-54417; S. Crittenden, S. Boutot with East Hartford Fire Department).
- The medic that responded & provided care was WONDERFUL. She had a competent, efficient, & compassionate bedside manner. She was very clear & effective in communicating with us. Made our transition into the ER a very smooth one. Thank you!! (15-27109; G. Geres, H. Marshall).
- Excellent.
- They were very professional.
- They were patient and understanding.
Cleared for Independent Dispatch: Aetna’s Eric Thepsiri Completes Precepting Phase
HARTFORD – As of August 21, 2015, Aetna’s Eric Thepsiri has been cleared by Hartford Hospital medical control for independent dispatch as a paramedic to the towns that Aetna serves.
Eric started at Aetna in March of 2015 and graduated from the Hartford Hospital-Goodwin College Paramedic Program. His preceptor was Paramedic Matt Campbell. The full precepting phase can take ten to 12 weeks or more as the paramedic is prepped for the realities of the field. Eric started in EMS at 16. He is currently continuing his education at UConn with an eye towards medical school.
As with all precepting phases at Aetna, Eric’s final approval came from Hartford Hospital after shadowing him and his preceptor in the field as they responded to emergency calls.
On behalf of the Aetna Family, we would like to wish Eric the best of luck and say we are very proud to have such skilled professionals on staff.
ASM Currently Seeking Candidates for Full Time EMT and Paramedic Positions
Due to our continued growth, ASM is currently seeking to add full time EMT and Paramedic positions and is seeking qualified and interested applicants. New graduates with an active State of Connecticut EMT certification or Paramedic license are welcome as are those with varied experience levels and professional backgrounds.
The application process is confidential. You must have a clean driving record, a clean criminal background and be able to pass a physical exam and drug screen.
A list of benefits and PDFs of Job Applications and Job Descriptions are available here:
Due to the large volume of applications we receive we ask that you please take the following into consideration:
- After submission of an application, you can follow up on its status via email to the Director of Operations, as detailed in the page linked above. Please refrain from calling about open positions, hiring status, qualifications or the status of your application unless requested to or it is absolutely necessary to do so
- Applications may be submitted in person, via email, by fax or by mail. Applicants should not expect a meeting or interview at the time of submission. Interviews will be arranged at a later date. When mailing please do not send applications by registered or certified mail.
- Whenever possible, please submit a copy of your CPR card and applicable EMS licenses and certifications with your application.
- Applications will be kept active for a period of time of no more than six months. You will receive a call or letter within a reasonable period after submission informing you of the status of your application. If you are declined you may re-apply again at any time after receipt of the letter.
Thank you very much for seeking us out and wanting to be a part of our growing team!
Meet Gizmo, Healer of Hearts
Published August 14, 2015 on the Huffington Post. The article used a picture of Gizmo perched atop an ASM stretcher in front of an ASM ambulance, taken at a Health Fair at Crestfield Rehabilitation Center and Fenwood Manor. Read the whole article here…
Meet Gizmo, a 3.5-pound wonderdoglet on a mission to change the world one doggy hug at a time. I connected with Jen Adams (Gizmo’s human) while getting the word out about my picture book Rumplepimple. We appeared on the same episode of The Pet Radio Show, and as I learned more, I began to wonder how such a wee creature could make such a huge difference.
The “Gizmo’s Frens” Facebook page has almost 80,000 followers. Why do you think he has become so popular?
Truthfully, I am shocked at the size and diversity of Gizmo’s following. They come from all walks of life, from all over the world, and they are all there to share a sense of kindness and good will. Maybe people first respond to the same thing I did: his lil’ face and his excellent ears. I think when they learn what he’s about and see his message, they want to be a part of making a positive difference.
You two do amazing work in all sorts of venues. Tell us how you got started.
Before Gizmo found me, I lost the love of my life suddenly. Gizmo, with his gentle, loving nature, facilitated a real transformation for me. I went from a grieving, lost soul who was full of self-pity to having this amazing little creature whom I knew could change lives other than my own. Gizmo forced me to step outside of myself and help others, and, in so doing, he channeled healing in me.
During the very early stages of our journey, Gizmo exhibited a keen sense of people’s emotions. He would seek out people who were having a tough time, and climb into their laps or lie beside them, as if to say, “Listen. I see you are hurting, and I will help you, ok? Cuz we’re frens.”
Kudos from the Cath Lab: Volume 15
GLASTONBURY — During July 2015, ASM Paramedic Joshua Traber and his partner Supervisor Michael Sparks responded to a medical call in Glastonbury with Glastonbury Ambulance. The EKG was indicative of a STEMI and Josh wirelessly transmitted the 12-lead EKG to Saint Francis Hospital, activating their cardiac catherization lab from the field. (#15-53809).
SFH Cath Lab Patient Follow-Up Form Treatment by EMS and Direct to SFH ED
EMS Agency: Ambulance Service of Manchester & Glastonbury Vol Ambulance
Indication: STEMI
First Medical Contact (FMC) (at pt side) 14:09 elapse: 00:00
EMS 12 Lead Acquisition Time: 14:17 elapse: 00:08
EMS STEMI Alert Request Time (source: cmed): 14:38 elapse: 00:21
EMS 12 Lead Transmit Rec’d Time (source: Lifenet): 14:37 elapse: 00:20
Arrival Time (SFHED): 14:46 elapse: 00:09
Cath Lab Arrival Time (SFH): 15:37 elapse: 00:51
Procedure Start Time: 15:46 elapse: 00:09
First Device Time: 16:07 elapse: 00:21
SFHED Door to First Device: 81 min
FMC to First Device: 118 min
Vessel Angiography Findings / Treatment:100% LAD and 80% RCA lesions; LAD open and stented. IABP required. NOTE: delay to PCI due to CTSCAN to r/o aortic aneurysm-family history.
The Story of Teddy the Trauma Bear
HARTFORD — This bear started it’s cycle in Boston, MA thank so some EMS people from Boston EMS. It’s job is to circulate wherever via ambulance trips. Teddy would like to visit as many areas as possible. If you have received Teddy, it will bring you good luck…Teddy should be passed on to another crew at a hospital or wherever.
Please keep it going and lets enjoy the travels of Teddy the Trauma Bear!
Meet the Newest Members of the Aetna Team: Aetna Hires Ten, 2015
- Bethany Sullivan
- Blake St. John
- Tom Winterbottom
- Mark Correa
- Tomasz Sopel
- Brianna Middel
- David O’Brien
- Kelsey Gross
- Ariel Mazara
- Roberto Rizza
HARTFORD — On August 14, 2015, nine EMTs and one Dispatcher were added to the Aetna team. As part of our continued growth Aetna and ASM seek out only the best candidates. We look for employees who are focused on high-quality patient care, are team oriented and conduct themselves in a professional manner. During the orientation, employees learn about company philosophy and goals, quality assurance, and policies and procedures.
Mark Correa: FULL TIME, EMT. Hello my name is Mark Correa and I am a 23 year old currently residing in Springfield, MA. I have been an EMT in Springfield since 2011 and I take great pride in the work and care I provide to each patient with which I interact. I’ve worked as lifeguard for seven years, a Dialysis Technician and an EMT at semi-pro football games. This allows me ample opportunity to work with those in need. I am currently in school working on a Bachelors of Science in Fire Science with an ultimate goal of becoming a Firefighter/Paramedic. I like to be active, I’m a sports guy, and I play semi-pro football as well as being an EMT at the games. I am excited and grateful for this new opportunity.
Kelsey Gross: FULL TIME, EMT. My name is Kelsey Gross. I am 22 years old and live in Manchester, Connecticut. For the first two years of my college career I attended the University of Wilmington in North Carolina, and then transferred back to my hometown of Storrs to finish obtaining my degree. This past May I graduated from UCONN Storrs Campus with a Bachelor’s of Science in Biology. My interest in the field of emergency care began when I took an EMT course at UCONN during fall of my Junior year, as well as when I shadowed my pediatrician throughout my summers in college. In the future I plan on attending a Physician Assistant program in the hopes of becoming a pediatric Physician Assistant, thus combining my love of children and of the medical field. Before joining Aetna I worked in a childcare center during the week as well as at a winery on the weekends. In my spare time I enjoy hiking, playing volleyball, and traveling. In addition, one of my favorite activities is playing with one of my many dogs; right now there are 5 in my house! I am very excited to join the Aetna family, and cannot wait to meet all of my fellow coworkers!
Ariel Mazara: FULL TIME, EMT. My name is Ariel Mazara, I am 29 years old and currently live in Bristol, CT. I grew up in Queens, New York. While in high school, I joined multiple Volunteer Ambulance Companies, the Manhasset-Lakeville Volunteer Fire Department and was a founding member of Medical Explorer Post # 7380. At the age of 16 I became a New York State Certified First Responder (NYS CFR), later becoming an EMT at the age of 18. After working several different jobs ranging from afterschool programs, to a private non-emergency transport company, to being a supervisor for the Starbucks Coffee Company I enlisted in the Marine Corps. I served four and a half years as an intelligence analyst specializing in legal compliance and oversight. While on active duty I graduated from Excelsior College with an Associates of Science in Liberal Arts in January of 2015. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor’s of Science in Criminal Justice.
Brianna Middel: FULL TIME, EMT. My name is Bri Middel and I’m from East Lyme, Connecticut. I am 24 years old and I graduated from Springfield College in 2013 with a degree in Biology. I hope to attend Nursing or Physician’s Assistant graduate school in the future, with hopes of becoming a cardiac perfusionist eventually. In my spare time, I love to be outdoors, whether it is to run, hike, kayak, or travel somewhere new. I love meeting new people, and I’m excited to be a part of such a great team!
David O’Brien: FULL TIME, EMT. My name is David O’Brien and I recently became an Emergency Medical Technician. This past year I have dedicated myself to changing my career to helping others. I enrolled in an EMT course, became a volunteer firefighter and a substitute teacher all since February of 2015. My background includes 18 years of working in warehouse and transportation settings and through those settings I have learned that my heart truly yearns to helping others. I graduated from Northeastern University with an Athletic Training degree and during my time at Northeastern I was assigned to the Tuft University Athletic Training room; NU AT room; and both the NU basketball and football teams. I also did a co-op at Natick High School as the Assistant Athletic Trainer. I pride myself on being a results oriented, hands-on individual. During my time in Operations, I realized that because my management style strongly emphasizes communication and the principles of team building, I want to get back to helping others. Within Aetna I feel that I will be a valued addition to the team. I continue to train as a Triathlete, having completed the REV3 a few years ago, and I maintain a healthy lifestyle with a wonderful wife and three active children.
Roberto Rizza: FULL TIME, EMT. My name is Roberto Rizza. I’m 38 years old and from Meriden. I studied Criminal Justice in college and shortly after I obtained a career as a Correctional Officer for 12 years. I pursued my education at Wolcott Fire School where I received a Firefighter-I certification. I then completed an EMT course in which I also received a certification. I have been a South Meriden Firefighter Volunteer for the past three years. I’ve always had a passion for helping those in need especially with quick response in emergent situations and most importantly, in saving lives. In my spare time, I enjoy going for a run, working-out, playing sports, going to the beach, hanging out with friends, and spending time with my family. I also speak Italian. My parents were born in Italy and came here for better opportunities. I’ve been brought up with a strong work-ethic and ambition to achieve my goals. I am thankful and look forward to this opportunity.
Blake St. John: FULL TIME, EMT. My name is Blake St. John and I am 29 years old. I reside in Vernon, CT and have spent most of my life in the Hartford area. I got my start in emergency services with the Town of Vernon Fire Department in 2006. I was instantly hooked and knew I had found my calling. I have been a fully active member ever since. All the while, I maintained full time employment while concurrently working towards my degree from CCSU in New Britain. I have been employed full time in the Information Technology field since 2007 and with the same firm since 2008; a great software company located in the Hartford area. In my time in the Town of Vernon, I was inspired and encouraged to take on new roles and responsibilities, the latest of those was my EMT certification. For a long time I had assisted at EMS calls from the periphery and was excited about the opportunity to “get in there” and perform my own patient care. I attended the New Britain EMS Academy in 2013 and certified as an EMT in 2014. While precepting in New Britain, I learned a ton of information, met a great group of people, and immediately became hooked on EMS. A while after completing my program, I started volunteering as a primary technician with Ellington Volunteer Ambulance Corps; another great EMS organization and a great group of people who I enjoy working with. In my time volunteering with EVAC, I found that EMS was definitely where I wanted to be. For the first time in my life, I am following my heart into a career path rather than my wallet. I am very excited to be able to turn my part time volunteer vocation into a full time career at Aetna Ambulance.
Tomasz Sopel: PART TIME, EMT. I am a 23 year pre-med student at UConn pursuing a Bachelors of Science in Physiology and Neurobiology. Born in Leżajsk, Poland, I came to the United States when I was three years old and have lived in Connecticut ever since. I completed my training with Bristol Hospital EMS and have experience working with the Town of Newington. It’s always been my life goal to learn as much as possible about the human body and to use that knowledge to save lives, so becoming an EMT was a perfect decision for me. I take my studies seriously; as I’m work towards an ultimate career in neurosurgery. In my time away from the books I like to train martial arts and compete in a few competitions throughout the year. I welcome any kind of new experience, be it skydiving, cliff jumping, week long hiking trips, I love experiencing new things and adapting to challenges in real time. Knowing this, I do my best every day to learn and grow from these day to day challenges so I can be the best version of myself I can be, both in the uniform and out. I am very eager to use this mentality to learn and grow with everyone at Aetna!
Bethany Sullivan: FULL TIME, EMT. My name is Bethany Sullivan, I am 22 years old and I grew up in Bolton, Connecticut. I graduated from UConn in 2015 with a double major in Pathobiology and Animal Science and a minor in Molecular and Cell Biology. I began riding horses at the age of four and I have my own horse that I train and ride almost every day. In college, I enjoyed being on the UConn Equestrian Team and was also part of a research team conducting genetics and muscle biology research as part of two broader studies at the university. During this time, I also worked as a veterinary technician at a local equine practice and enjoyed helping treating horses in both emergency and primary care. These experiences actually helped foster my pursuit of human medicine. In 2014, I received my EMT certification from Hartford Hospital and I am now an EMT on-call with the Bolton Fire Department. I enjoy the human interaction and ability to help people in need. Presently, I am taking a year off while applying to medical school, and am excited to be part of Aetna Ambulance!
Tom Winterbottom: FULL TIME, EMT. My name is Tom Winterbottom and I am 22 years old. I am from Burlington, Connecticut where I’ve lived for most of my life. I graduated from The University of Connecticut in May 2015 with a bachelors degree in Communication. I have been a volunteer firefighter in Burlington since 2010 and received some firefighting certifications. This past summer I decided to take the EMT course through Bristol Hospital and start my EMS career. In my free time I enjoy volunteering at the fire house and training with my friends. I also enjoy doing anything outdoors such as hiking, fishing, and water sports. In my future I wish to become a career firefighter or a paramedic. I look forward to meeting you all and I am proud to be apart of Aetna’s team!
Meet the Newest Members of the Team: ASM Hires Six, 2015
- Ryan Bochman
- James Crompton
- Valerie Adams
- Walter Valencia
- Andy Hernandez
- Russell Jones
HARTFORD — On August 12, 2015 six EMTs were added to the ASM team. As part of our continued growth Aetna and ASM seek out only the best candidates. We look for employees who are focused on high-quality patient care, are team oriented and conduct themselves in a professional manner. During the orientation, employees learn about company philosophy and goals, quality assurance, and policies and procedures.
Valerie Adams: FULL TIME, EMT. My name is Val Adams, I’m 26 years old and currently reside in Ellington, CT. In my free time I enjoy volunteering on the Ellington Volunteer Fire Department. I have been a member of the department for just over ten years and have been a lieutenant for the past two years. I recently became involved with helping out with the cadet program and love being able to teach new skills to the kids. In addition to volunteering I also enjoy running on a regular basis and try to run a few 5k races every summer. I attended college at Worcester Polytechnic Institute where I received a BS degree in Civil Engineering and an MS in Fire Protection Engineering. Although I have enjoyed learning about both fields of work, I quickly determined that it was not the right career choice for me. Through volunteering I was able to find that I loved to help people and decided to get my EMT license after being an EMR for about ten years. I have also decided to go back to school and am working towards a degree in nursing.
Ryan Bochman: FULL TIME, EMT. My name is Ryan and I am 32 years old. My wife and I recently bought a house in East Hampton. I have been a volunteer firefighter on and off for almost seven years in various location. I had my Intro to EMS while I was still in high school as an MRT (now EMR). I later chose to pursue my EMT certification and have been volunteering with the Manchester Fire Department 8th District as a firefighter/EMT for 1 1/2 years. In my free time I enjoy doing pretty much anything outside from fishing to golfing, or just playing with my dog Jake. I’m looking forward to what the future holds, whether it be Paramedic school or an RN degree. But I am looking forward to starting a new career with ASM and to assist people in their time of need.
James Crompton: FULL TIME, EMT. My name is James Crompton. I am 22 years old and this is my first job in commercial EMS. I am from Middlefield, Connecticut and have previously attended Middlesex Community College where I received my Associates degree in Criminal Justice. In addition to taking classes at MxCC, I started EMT school where I quickly became more interested in the field. I earned my EMT certification in January of 2015 and soon after joined the Middlefield Volunteer Fire Department. This is the most fun, exciting and rewarding experience I have ever had. At this point was when I decided I am more interested in pursuing a career related to fire and EMS. I enjoy spending time outdoors, hunting, fishing, and camping. I also enjoy watching football, Go Patriots! My plan for the future is to get experience as an EMT, possibly advance to Paramedic school, and eventually become part of a paid fire department. I am looking forward to furthering my skills at ASM.
Andy Hernandez: FULL TIME, EMT. My name is Andres but everyone calls me Andy and I am 24 years old. I was born in Cali, Colombia and I arrived in the US at the age of ten. I have lived in East Hartford since then and graduated in 2009 with high honors. I have worked in the Emergency Room at Manchester Memorial Hospital as registration staff for approximately three years. I decided to become an EMT as my first step to my career of becoming a PA. I took my EMT course at Code One Training Solutions this past Spring. I am currently enrolled in Manchester Community College as a Business Management student, but decided to take a break from it since working in the Emergency Room made me realize that I enjoy interacting with people as much as providing care for them. One of my biggest goals in life is getting into Quinnipiac, were I hope to resume my studies and obtain a degree. I enjoy different activities on my days off. One of my biggest hobbies is playing soccer because that is one the most popular sports in my country. I also enjoy going to the gym where I had the pleasure of meeting the Great Khali.
Russell Jones: FULL TIME, EMT. Hello! My name is Russell Jones and I am 25 years old. I am originally from Wethersfield, CT but currently live in Columbia, CT. I graduated from Wethersfield High School in 2008. Having enlisted in the CT Air National Guard my senior year I left two weeks after graduation for basic training. After returning I started classes at Eastern CT State University for Business Administration in 2009 and graduated in 2013. Upon graduation I started a business with a buddy of mine that I still work with (on the side) today. I recently became very interested in pursuing a career in healthcare after realizing the office setting was not for me. I finished my EMT class at Code One Solutions in June and could not be more excited to have been offered a job at ASM! I plan to further my healthcare career by pursuing a paramedic license in addition to a second bachelors degree in nursing. My ultimate goal is to work with LifeStar. I enjoy playing golf and am an avid snowboarder. I do try and be outdoors as often as possible but at the same time enjoy playing video games. I have always been very cool headed and excited to help people. A fun fact about me is that I received this job offer on my birthday and could not have received a better birthday present! I look forward to working as an EMT with such a great company as ASM and excited to see what the future holds for me.
Walter Valenica: FULL TIME, EMT. My name is Walter, I am 24 years old I’ve grew up and lived in Manchester for pretty much my entire life, since 2007 I have been a volunteer firefighter which has introduced me to EMS. Almost immediately I decided to become a career firefighter as my ultimate career goal, I particularly enjoy helping the community especially during people’s time in need. After high school, I enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserves and speaking to the Corpsmen from the Navy, and watching the EMTs of my fire department really pushed me to obtain my EMT certification, so that I can be an even greater asset to the community. I’m really excited to practice my skills and learn a lot from everyone with ASM.
Cleared for Independent Dispatch: ASM’s Billy Schnepp Completes Precepting Phase
MANCHESTER – As of August 3, 2015, ASM’s Billy Schnepp has been cleared by Eastern Connecticut Health Network medical control for independent dispatch as a paramedic to the towns that ASM serves.
Billy’s preceptors were Paramedic Don Hart and Paramedic Supervisor Melissa Osborne. The full precepting phase can take ten to 12 weeks or more as the paramedic is prepped for the realities of the field. As with all precepting phases at ASM, Billy’s final approval came from Eastern Connecticut Health Network after shadowing Billy and his preceptor (Vinnie Maston for Billy’s final shift) in the field as they responded to emergency calls.
Billy started at ASM as an EMT-Basic in 2012 and graduated from the New Britain EMS Academy Paramedic Program. He graduated from the University of Connecticut with a Bachelor’s in Psychology with a focus on neuroscience.
On behalf of the ASM Family, we would like to wish Billy the best of luck and say we are very proud to have such skilled professionals on staff.