High Praise for ASM’s Mike Levasseur

Mike Levasseur - Ambulance Service of Manchester, LLC.

Mike Levasseur – Ambulance Service of Manchester, LLC.

“I am an employee at Windham Hospital, and I have worked here for 11 years. Over this past weekend we had an emergent transfer from our Emergency Department to Hartford Hospital’s ED. The patient had a severe head injury, and your team was very quick to respond. This is not where my praise ends. The reason of my note is to thank and bring to attention to one of your medics.

“This medic was as always professional and easy to work with. What I want to point out is that the Medic took time out to speak to the patient’s parents (with consent). It wasn’t just a, “Hey, I’ll meet you in Hartford”. What he did was explain to the parents that the patient was stable and that he (the medic) [could continue to] keep him stable. Not only did he reassure the parents…he also emphasized the need for them to try to stay calm, drive safely, because the roads were less than favorable. This Medic’s name is Mike Levasseur. I would just like to extend my thanks, and observance of his nature to go above and beyond. I am proud to be associated with such upstanding EMS professionals.”

-JM, Windham Hospital staff.

ASM’s Nick Raiola Prominent on QVCC Catalog Cover

DANIELSON — In September 2013, Quinebaug Valley Community College released its Fall 2013 course catalog with ASM EMT Nick Raiola prominently displayed on the cover. QVCC sought out Nick as a former student now working in the field for which they received training from the college. Nick can also be seen on their homepage as linked above.

Nick Raiola - Ambulance Service of Manchester

QVCC Catalog









ASM Provides Medical Support at Hebron’s Florida Georgia Line Concert

Florida Georgia Line - Ambulance Service of Manchester, LLC.

ASM’s Vinnie Maston and Bryan Mathiau with members of Hebron Fire Department.

HEBRON — On September 8, 2013 three ambulances from the Ambulance Service of Manchester were on hand at Hebron’s 43rd Harvest Fair where country band Florida Georgia Line performed. The fair drew a record 135,000 attendees over the course of two weekends according to the Journal Inquirer.

The Hebron Lions Club contracted ASM to assist in providing medical services during the concert portion which drew over 34,000 attendees. Direction came from the Hebron Volunteer Fire Department and Windham Hospital EMS Paramedics.

ASM at Scouts’ Family Day in East Hartford

East Hartford Scouts Family Day - Ambulance Service of Manchester, LLC.EAST HARTFORD — On September 7, 2013, Ambulance Service of Manchester’s (ASM) Heather DiGirolamo and Matt Kleza presented the basics of Emergency Medical Services and gave ambulance tours at a Scouting Family Day on the East Hartford town green. (Picture appears with written troop leader permission).

ASM Responds: School Bus Accident on I-84 In East Hartford

The Hartford Courant

hc-east-hartford-school-bus-0907-20130906-0017:56 a.m. EDT, September 6, 2013

EAST HARTFORD — Three ambulances have responded to a school bus accident on I-84, according to an ambulance company spokesman.

The accident happened about 7:30 a.m., on I-84 west, near the Connecticut Boulevard ramp. Ambulance Service of Manchester, LLC responded, said David Skoczulek of Aetna Ambulance Service, Inc.

The injuries are minor, he stated in an emailed press release. A small school bus is involved, he said. Damage to the bus is reported to be minor.

It wasn’t clear if the injured occupants are students. Read the Courant article here.

Words That Describe Us: Volume 12

Aetna Ambulance Service, Inc. - Ambulance Service of Manchester, LLC.MANCHESTER and HARTFORD — Aetna Ambulance and ASM send Patient and Customer Satisfaction Surveys to a random sampling of patients who have received emergency or STAT inter-facility services from our companies.

The final question in the survey asks “Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve our service?” And, “Please use one word to describe us.”

Some of the answers/responses included:

  • Great x 3.
  • You all were very kind and caring. Thank you. I thank you very much. You all helped save me from more damage to my body. (13-65513; T. Allbee, S. Parent)
  • Helpful.
  • Excellent service, thank you.
  • Good x 2.
  • Efficient x 2.
  • Comforting.
  • Professional x 6.
  • Very professional x 2.
  • Superb! Just thank you so much!
  • Exceptional!
  • Thankful.
  • Wonderful.
  • Professional. Very kind.
  • Dependable.
  • Awesome.

Renovation and Expansion of ASM’s “10-1″: Volume 7

MANCHESTER — The renovation of space once occupied by Marcus Communications continues…

  • Primer and in some cases paint has been applied to the main rooms.
  • In the hands-on, body mechanics training room, matte black paint has been applied to the exposed roof structure and part of the deck.
  • A corner soffit was framed to accommodate a drop down screen for an AV projection system.
  • Doors were hung in one of the new offices.
  • Metal framing has been added to the door cutouts in the main hallway.
  • The dry wall was cut through a removed where the main cross-hall will go, connecting the old and new spaces.

The next steps are to complete priming and painting, hang doors and install the lighting and drop ceiling.

When completed, the renovated space will include additional training and simulation areas, a relocated locker area, new offices, a medical supply staging area, and two new restrooms although the plans remain fluid.

ASM’s Tim LaChappelle Promoted to Supervisor

MANCHESTER — On August 28, 2013 ASM’s Tim LaChappelle was promoted to the position of Supervisor.

Tim started at ASM as an EMT-Basic in 2006 and graduated from Capital Community College’s Paramedic Program. Tim is currently the Assistant Chief of Coventry Volunteer Fire Association, Inc in his hometown.

On behalf of the ASM Family we would like to congratulate Tim on his promotion and look forward to great things from and for him. We are very proud to have such skilled professionals on staff.

Words That Describe Us: Volume 11

Aetna Ambulance Service, Inc. - Ambulance Service of Manchester, LLC.MANCHESTER and HARTFORD — Aetna Ambulance and ASM send Patient and Customer Satisfaction Surveys to a random sampling of patients who have received emergency or STAT inter-facility services from our companies.

The final question in the survey asks “Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve our service?” And, “Please use one word to describe us.”

Some of the answers/responses included:

  • Excellent! Staff were highly professional and sensitive to an otherwise embarrassing situation. This was highly appreciated. (13-55969; M. Weller and M. Cafazzo)
  • Quick!!
  • Caring x 4.
  • Professional. Thank you! Joyce was great. Helped me feel safe and taken care of.
  • Competent.
  • Pleased.
  • Perfect.
  • Excellent. Very professional – kind and caring.
  • Awesome.
  • Great.
  • Good job!
  • Excellent x 7.
  • Extraordinary.
  • Very, very good.
  • Fantastic.
  • Adequate.
  • 10 Stars. The driver was great! The medic kept my spirits high. Excellent team!! Thank you so much!! (13-59441; R. Leslie and B. Langan)

NHTSA Releases Report on EMS in Connecticut

resources_clip_image001_0000HARTFORD — On August 17, 2013 the Department of Public Health’s Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS) released a report entitled “A Reassessment of Emergency Medical Services” that represents a review of recommendations made by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration’s Technical Assistance Team. The last such review was ten years ago.

The report includes of Regulation and Policy, Resource Management, Transportation, Evaluation among other general components of the EMS system in Connecticut. The full report is informative and provides an enlightening look at EMS in Connecticut from the perspective of expert outsides. The report can be found here:

Final CT EMS Reassessment July 30 2013

EMT Course at MCC Prepares Students for Certification

Ambulance Service of Manchester, LLC.Mike Jordan-Reilly, Manchester Community College

7:10 p.m. EDT, August 15, 2013 (Originally posted in the Hartford Courant)

Manchester Community College‘s Continuing Education Division offers an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course that fully prepares students to take the certification exam.

The MCC Credit-Free course is offered in partnership with the Ambulance Service of Manchester (ASM) LLC, whose staff teaches the MCC course on site at the ambulance building located at 275 New State Road in Manchester.

“This course will prepare students to sit for the State of Connecticut and National Registry Board EMT Basic examination,” said Steve Conley, Director of Operations for Ambulance Service of Manchester, LLC. “This test is a primary qualification for EMT certification.”

An EMT is a first responder in the event of accident or illness and must assess injuries, administer emergency medical care, extricate trapped individuals and transport sick or injured people to medical facilities.

ASM, a 2012 recipient of the Governor’s Award for Career EMS Services, provides Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to Manchester, East Hartford, Bolton and supplemental paramedic service and transport to the Town of Windsor. ASM also provides paramedic intercept services to GlastonburySouth Windsor,Stafford Springs and Somers and responds to Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support(ALS) 9-1-1 requests to many surrounding communities in Hartford, Tolland and Windham Counties.

Training Room 2The ASM staff will begin the Fall 2013 offering of the MCC course on Monday, September 9. It runs for 13 successive Mondays and 12 successive Wednesdays, through December 16, from 6 -9:30 p.m. It also includes 12 clinical sessions held on successive Saturdays, from Sept. 21 through Dec. 16, from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. The course fee is $750 (refer to CRN 31723).

Ann Bonney, MCC’s director of Credit-Free Programs added, “Taking this course through the MCC partnership with ASM means students have access to hands-on experts in the field for instruction and clinical work, and it provides students with the added benefit of official college transcript that serves as a record of their education.”

For more information, call the Credit Free Information line at 860-512-2800, or to register, contact the Registrar’s Office at 860-512-3232, or visit http://www.manchestercc.edu/continuing/creditfree.php.

The Hartford Circus Fire and Aetna Ambulance: Volume 3

Hartford Circus Fire - Aetna Ambulance Service, Inc.

by Sam Porcello

Miss earlier volumes? Click here…

Aetna Ambulance employee and Hartford Circus Fire survivor Robert John Titus wrote to me that:

“My most poignant memory was that there was no fire engine responder on standby.  My second most poignant memory was that some people used jack knifes to make their own exits…I remember sitting and looking at the tent starting to burn and then coming down…people panicking, running and screaming, stepping over people to get out using the exits of which there were  only 3.  I remember Emmett Kelly the clown along with the Flying Wallendas helping people to get out.”

I started my research by attending a July 6, 2012 service at Hartford’s Circus Fire Memorial honoring the 68th anniversary of the fire.  There, I learned about the fire from memorial plaques and interviewed a survivor.  As I dug into newspaper articles, microfiche, secondary books, ordinances and the Circus Fire archive at the Connecticut State Library, I found many changes in local, state and National laws that were created as a result of the fire.  Something else also caught my eye – I noticed a single article from the Hartford Courant written about 20 years ago that discussed Aetna Ambulance’s history.

Check back for future volumes…