Windsor EMS and ASM Celebrate 1 Year
WINDSOR — On July 1, 2012 the Ambulance Service of Manchester and Windsor Volunteer Ambulance (WVA) will celebrate the first anniversary of a successful partnership.
In 2011 WVA selected ASM to be the supplemental emergency provider for the Town of Windsor. This arrangement has meant that ASM provides ambulance and paramedic coverage to the town when Windsor EMS’ resources have been exhausted by 911 calls. It also gives WEMS the ability to call on ASM for supplemental resources as they see fit.
Access to shared radio frequencies and a contractual billing arrangement has made most situations seamless to Windsor residents, leaving the only obvious sign of ASM’s presence being the checkered Sprinter ambulances occasionally in town.
“Since partnering with ASM last July it has been a pleasure for us to work with such a professional organization.”
-Dennis C. Guay, Chief Executive Officer Continue reading