Tag Archives: ECHN
ASM Prepares for Family Feud
ASM Blood Drive Results
MANCHESTER- On Thursday, December 31st, 2020 ASM hosted its sixth American Red Cross Blood Drive at ASM’s headquarters. Numerous employees, friends, and family members participated in the day-long event. Aetna and ASM have committed to hosting a drive twice a year.

A note from the Red Cross:
Thank you for helping to save lives with the American Red Cross. When you made the commitment to sponsor a blood drive, you helped save lives. Your efforts have helped boost the community blood supply and ensure hospital patients have the lifesaving blood they need.
Your Recent Blood Drive Results: Your blood drive registered 28 donors and collected 25 pints of blood. The donations collected will help 75 hospital patients with blood, plasma and platelets.
Thank you for your gifts of time and support. We truly appreciate your generosity. The patients who have benefited from the blood collected at your blood drive are beyond grateful.
Christmas came early this year, the first COVID-19 vaccines have been administered at ECHN
This morning, “Dr. Santa” fulfilled holiday wishes as he administered the first of many Covid-19 Vaccines ECHN received to frontline healthcare workers.

Aetna Ambulance Celebrates 75 Years

Aetna Ambulance Service is extremely honored to be celebrating 75 years of service in the city of Hartford. Founded in 1945 by Howard and Herman Grady, Aetna Ambulance arose in response to the Ringling Brothers Circus fire that occurred in Hartford on July 6, 1944, claiming 138 souls.
The Grady Family was deeply moved by the loss of life as a result of this catastrophe, therefore they recognized a need for a full-time ambulance company. It is very likely that given the expanse of this tragedy, the community wanted to prevent it from ever happening again. Aetna Ambulance was started and was run out of the Grady family home and the flower shop on Wethersfield Avenue. It was common for the Grady gentlemen to be called out of family events, holiday dinners, and in the middle of bad weather or snowstorms to assist the local residents. They felt a very deep desire to help others in need, so they also went out into the community to teach first aid classes as well as sitting on the EMS Advisory board.
Now that being said, much has happened in the past 75 years, even the last 15 years. We would not be here today if it wasn’t for our dedicated employees. It is a point of pride for Aetna employees that the company has such a rich history.
Happy Birthday Aetna Ambulance Service

ASM Participates in ECHN Staff Recognition Parade

On Friday April 23rd, 2020, Ambulance Service of Manchester attended a hospital recognition parade to demonstrate appreciation for employees of ECHN. A procession nearly 60 vehicles traveled to Manchester Memorial Hospital at 9:45am to honor front-line hospital workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

ECHN Case Review at ASM

On Monday, March 9th 2020, ECHN hosted a CME Patient Case Review for area EMS professionals at the Ambulance Service of Manchester. Dr. James Castellone, MBA, FACEP and EMS Medical Director also presented Paramedic Greg Derosier and EMT Manuela Sarles with a pin and certificate of excellence for a recent cardiac arrest save. Thank you to all who attended and participated in the event!

Praise for ASM’s Brendan Burke and Jeff Roy

ASM's Brendan Burke
MANCHESTER — From a letter sent to ASM: On February 9, 2012, my father – [Patient Name] – was transported from the Emergency Room at Rockville General Hospital back to Woodlake at Tolland Nursing Home. It was a stressful time for both my Dad and I as we anxiously waited for transport.
Your two employees arrived quickly on the scene and with great speed and efficiency, not to mention compassion as they prepared my Dad for his trip back to Woodlake. Continue reading
ASM Earns Praise from ECHN for Winter Storm Alfred Support
To show appreciation for the coordinated response to Winter Storm Alfred, Eastern Connecticut Health Network (ECHN) placed this ad in the Hartford Courant, Journal Inquirer and The Reminder News.
ASM and Aetna provided significant discharge, inter-facility, specialty care and post-care transportation in the wake of the storm, all while responding to record high 911 volume.
Emergency of Hunger Food Drive Profiled in Hartford Courant

ASM’s David Skoczulek with Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman
Read the Hartford Courant article on the Emergency of Hunger Food Drive….
Local emergency and public service agencies will be teaming up again this holiday season to collect food and cash to stock up depleted area food banks and shelters.
Representing their respective towns, teams are made up of police, fire, public works and EMS professionals, employees of Eastern Connecticut Health Network (ECHN) and Rotary Club volunteers. Continue reading