Tag Archives: Manchester Fire Rescue EMS
ECHN Lifesaving Award
MANCHESTER – On Friday, January 29th, the ECHN Lifesaving award was given to members of Manchester Fire & Rescue, and Ambulance Service of Manchester. Awards were presented to:
ASM EMT, Timothy Gunnoud
MFRE Firefighter/Paramedic, Bryan Mathiau
ASM EMT, Ileana Morales
MFRE Fire Lieutenant, Moria Perez
Dr. Alyssa Sexton EMS Medical Director and Marge Letitia EMS Clinical Coordinator presented the Life-Saving award for a December call that resulted in the confirmed resuscitation of a patient. Ambulance Service of Manchester would like to congratulate everyone involved.

ASM Attends Bennet Academy for Career Day

MANCHESTER — On March 11th, 2020, ASM’s Cheryl Everest and Matthew Kleza attended Bennet Academy’s Career Day to speak with 5th and 6th grade children about career opportunities as EMT’s and Paramedics. The students rotated through a number of stations in small groups and were able to ask questions and spend time in the areas that interested them. Members of Manchester Police Department and Manchester Fire & Rescue EMS were also in attendance. If interested in a career in EMS while attending Manchester High School, the students will be able to enroll in the EMT program hosted by ASM’s education department in conjunction with MFRE.
ASM Supports 83rd Manchester Road Race

MANCHESTER – On November 28th, 2019, ASM started Thanksgiving bright and early in preparation for the 83rd Annual Manchester Road Race. Ambulance Service of Manchester has been providing medical support coverage along with Manchester Fire & Rescue EMS since 1991. ASM also coordinates and oversees all medical communications on race day and is proud to be a part of this historic tradition.

ASM wins PBA Softball Tournament

On September, 15th ASM participated in the “Manchester Police Benevolent Association Softball Tournament”, playing against Manchester Fire and Rescue, Manchester Police Rookies and the Manchester Police Veterans. ASM won 2 out of 3 games to earn a spot in the finals bracket and faced the Manchester Police Rookies to determine a winner. In the end, ASM took home the trophy by defeating the Rookies 9-0 in an epic battle. All proceeds generated will be donated to the PBA.
Manchester High School Inaugural EMT Class Graduates 15 Students

In January of 2019, the Ambulance Service of Manchester collaborated with Manchester Fire Department and Manchester High School to inaugurate the first EMT class. The program totaled 200 hours and taught the students the basics of patient assessment, how to treat trauma/medical emergencies, and most importantly, leadership. This program had a total of 80 applicants, which was then reduced to 18 students. The students attended class three days a week for 3 hours in addition to their busy school day. At the end of the program students were qualified to take their State Practical and National Written Competency Exam. After obtaining the EMT certification, graduates will be permitted to apply for jobs or volunteer at local fire departments, ambulance services, hospital emergency rooms, and college rescue squads. The collaboration between the Ambulance Service of Manchester, Manchester Fire Department, and Manchester High School has been outstanding. Together, we are increasing the number of certified EMTs as there is a national shortage of EMS professionals.
A special thanks to Chris Myska, Sean Norton, Andrew Hedberg, Bryan Goulet, Chuck Roode, Greg Derosier, Tim Houle, Dan Heald, Rich Fortier, Mike Karanda and Chris Ferguson for helping with the instruction of these classes.
Community Education & Training from ASM and Manchester Fire

ASM Appears on Local News
Ambulance Service of Manchester appeared in a Fox 61 news article and segment this past Monday evening alongside Manchester Fire Rescue EMS. Please see below to read the article and click here view the segment by Reporter Jim Altman.
MANCHESTER – You could say they are taking a page from the Nascar playbook because the Manchester Fire Department, joined by the Ambulance Service of Manchester takes a bit of a left turn when it comes to their C-P-R training.
Officially, Battalion Chief Josh Beaulieu, calls it the “Pit Crew Model for Cardiac Arrest Management”, but in life-saving circles it’s known simply as “Pit Crew CPR”. Much like how a racing crew feverishly tends to a car in the pits, so do Manchester Firefighters when it comes to responding to a cardiac arrest patient.
“Everybody has a role,” Beaulieu said. “Those roles might be compressions, it might be the person assigned to deal with the family, it might be the person managing the airway and breathing for the patient.”
Chief Beaulieu, a 21 year vet of the department, added that the town of Manchester has been supportive in providing resources when responding to cardiac arrest calls – as many as ten first responders can answer a life-saving call. He said, “a cardiac arrest requires a lot of work and a lot of hands to save someone’s life and that’s exactly what we are doing.”
MHS EMT Program
On Saturday April 27th, students from Manchester High School participated in a hands-on extrication and transport exercise as part of their EMT-Basic program. The course, taught by Ambulance Service of Manchester and Manchester Fire Rescue EMS, has 18 committed students, all of whom were able to observe the process of extrication, practice removing victims from a bus and car, and render necessary care on a simulation manikin while in a moving ambulance. The “extrication drill” day is always one of the highlights of an EMT program.

ASM Featured in News Article
MANCHESTER- In another joint effort with Manchester Fire-Rescue-EMS, Ambulance Service of Manchester has teamed up with the Board of Education to coordinate a free EMT class at the high school. ASM Education Supervisor, Melissa Osborne acts as the lead instructor with assistance from FD personnel. Following successful completion of the program, students involved will be eligible for certification at the EMT-Basic level. As part of the course syllabus, Melissa has organized a visit to Ambulance Service of Manchester’s Headquarters. There, the students will put their classroom knowledge to the test by utilizing ASM’s state of the art training facility. To read more about the MHS EMT Pilot Program, click here for a recent article by Journal Inquirer Reporter Emily Brindley.

In addition to the pilot, ASM partnered with Manchester High School’s Allied Health Program in 2017, providing 20+ students with “ride-along” shadowing opportunities. This program is on-going and provides all MHS students, even those not formally enrolled in an EMT program a chance to gain real world EMS experience.
Manchester “Sheroes” Project
MANCHESTER- Ambulance Service of Manchester teams up with Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Manchester-Fire-Rescue-EMS, Manchester Police Department and Bully Breed Training for an upcoming women’s empowerment program. For more information, click here read to Hartford Courant Staff Writer Quoron Walker’s article. ASM will be hosting one of the four events at our home office on New State Road!

ASM Participates in Annual Charity Softball Tournament!
MANCHESTER — On Saturday September 15, 2018 Ambulance Service of Manchester employees returned to play in the 4th annual charity softball tournament against teams from Manchester Police Department and Manchester Fire Rescue EMS. Proceeds from the event benefit the Manchester Police Benevolent Association. Photos from the event can be viewed below!
Rebuilding Together- Work Day
MANCHESTER- On Saturday April 28th, 2018 close to 30 ASM employees, friends and family members participated in the Town of Manchester’s 26th Rebuilding Together Event. This “First-Responder Group” made up only a small portion of volunteers as nearly 1000 individuals registered for the work day. Part of a National non-profit organization, Rebuilding Together was formed with the goal of “bringing communities together in efforts to assist those in need of general home repair and improvements.” Teamed up with MPD and MFRE staff, ASM partakers tackled numerous projects ranging from replacing CO and Smoke Detectors to installing a mail box, cleaning up yards, and painting a large back deck. See below for pictures!
ASM partakes in “Rebuilding Together” Event in Manchester
The Ambulance Service of Manchester is thrilled to announce that it has joined forces with the Town of Manchester Fire Department and Manchester Police Department for The Town’s 26th Rebuilding Together Event. Part of a National non-profit organization, Rebuilding Together was formed with the goal of “bringing communities together in efforts to assist those in need of general home repair and improvements.” On April 11th, ASM employees, and members of MPD and MFRE were sent out in small groups to perform home assessments during phase one of the endeavor. Each team compiled a list of projects in order to help streamline the workday on the 28th.
For more information on Rebuilding Together, please click here!
ASM Participates in ‘Stop The Bleed” Event
MANCHESTER-On Saturday, March 31, 2018 the town of Manchester joined with over 600 communities across the nation in observing the inaugural “Stop the Bleed Day” by hosting the American College of Surgeons’ Basic Bleeding Control course. This course, which was offered free of charge to members of the community, provided participants with the knowledge and skills needed to save a life in the event of a serious bleeding emergency. Bleeding is the number one preventable cause of death associated with a traumatic injury, regardless of the cause of that injury.
Manchester’s course was coordinated by Manchester Fire-Rescue-EMS and the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce. ASM’s Paramedic Greg Derosier and EMT/Field Training Officer Cory Lachance joined representatives from the Connecticut Office of Emergency Medical Services, Manchester Police Department, Manchester Fire-Rescue-EMS, Manchester Public Schools, and Manchester Health Department to teach participants hands-on bleeding control techniques.
According to a press release available on the American College of Surgeons (ACS) website:
“Stop the Bleed traces its origins to the aftermath of the Sandy Hook School shootings on December 14, 2012. Shortly afterward, the ACS partnered with law enforcement and other interested national organizations to develop the Hartford Consensus. Out of this Consensus (where the initial meetings convened in Hartford, Connecticut), emerged an emergency response goal to improve survival following mass shootings and other intentional acts of mass violence by empowering civilians to take life-saving action when the need arises, regardless of the situation or cause of the significant bleeding.
After recommendations of the Hartford Consensus were released, Stop the Bleed, a national public awareness campaign was launched in October of 2015 by the White House and then-President Obama, with a call to action to begin training more people to become immediate responders. Stop the Bleed cultivates grassroots efforts that encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency, thus becoming the first vital link of the trauma care chain of survival.”
If you were unable to attend this course and wish to receive this potentially life-saving training, it is offered on an ongoing basis, FREE of charge, to anyone interested. Please visit http://bleedingcontrol.org and click “Find a Class” to locate a class near you.
Above Post Drafted by ASM EMT/Field Training Officer Cory Lachance