This morning, “Dr. Santa” fulfilled holiday wishes as he administered the first of many Covid-19 Vaccines ECHN received to frontline healthcare workers.

This morning, “Dr. Santa” fulfilled holiday wishes as he administered the first of many Covid-19 Vaccines ECHN received to frontline healthcare workers.
MANCHESTER- In another joint effort with Manchester Fire-Rescue-EMS, Ambulance Service of Manchester has teamed up with the Board of Education to coordinate a free EMT class at the high school. ASM Education Supervisor, Melissa Osborne acts as the lead instructor with assistance from FD personnel. Following successful completion of the program, students involved will be eligible for certification at the EMT-Basic level. As part of the course syllabus, Melissa has organized a visit to Ambulance Service of Manchester’s Headquarters. There, the students will put their classroom knowledge to the test by utilizing ASM’s state of the art training facility. To read more about the MHS EMT Pilot Program, click here for a recent article by Journal Inquirer Reporter Emily Brindley.
In addition to the pilot, ASM partnered with Manchester High School’s Allied Health Program in 2017, providing 20+ students with “ride-along” shadowing opportunities. This program is on-going and provides all MHS students, even those not formally enrolled in an EMT program a chance to gain real world EMS experience.
MANCHESTER- On Thursday June 7, Ambulance Service of Manchester Paramedic and Education Supervisor Melissa Osborne and her EMS Instructor Class helped out the local community by teaching the American Heart Association HeartSaver CPR Training at the Mahoney Recreation Center. Individuals of all ages attended and learned valuable lessons about CPR from both ASM and AETNA staff. This class is offered on a yearly basis as part of National CPR & AED Awareness Week.
MANCHESTER- On February 5th, 2017 Cub Scout Pack 47 visited the Ambulance Service of Manchester for a facility tour hosted by Education Supervisor Melissa Osborne and Veteran Paramedic Greg Derosier. Troop members and their families received an inside look at some of ASM’s daily operations and learned firsthand what it takes to become a first responder.
MANCHESTER – As of September 9, 2016, ASM’s Michael Karanda has been cleared by Eastern Connecticut Health Network medical control for independent dispatch as a paramedic to the towns that ASM serves. His preceptors were Paramedic Supervisor Melissa Osborne and Paramedic Joshua Traber.
Michael started at ASM in February of 2016 and graduated from the Capital Community College Paramedic program. He started off in the medical field in 2011 after receiving his EMTB Certification. He has been a member of Glastonbury Volunteer Fire Department since 2008.
As with all precepting phases at ASM, Michael’s final approval came from Eastern Connecticut Health Network after shadowing him and his preceptors in the field as they responded to emergency calls.
On behalf of the ASM Family, we would like to wish Michael the best of luck and say we are very proud to have such skilled professionals on staff.
In an email from April 2016, regarding a response from ASM’s Melissa Osborne, her partner Matt Kleza, and Andover Fire Department:
Dear Melissa, Ben, John and John,
Words cannot explain the gratitude my wife and I have for everyone for coming to the rescue two weeks ago during my heart attack. As Murphy’s Law would have it, the one time we said this winter “what the heck let the sun melt the snow”, little did we know we’d need a 4WD ambulance rescue! Your team performed admirably under tough conditions during the rescue. Many thanks go especially to Melissa for remembering to grab the “go” bag as we passed by the stuck ambulance. Holding may hand thru the terrible, excruciating pain at first kept me from passing out and of course your defibrillation brought me back to life on the way to Hartford Hospital….
Another defibrillation on the table and two stents later, I’m now resting at home for a few weeks hoping to get back to teaching my students. Once again thanks to the AFD, Melissa and the dispatchers for all you did on the morning of April Xth and continue to do each day for all of us. Hope to see everyone at your annual steak dinner again, however maybe this time it will be a veggie platter for me…
MANCHESTER – As of March 11, 2016, ASM’s Matthew Buerk has been cleared by Eastern Connecticut Health Network medical control for independent dispatch as a paramedic to the towns that ASM serves. His preceptor were Paramedic Supervisor Melissa Osborne and Paramedic Greg Derosier.
Matt started at ASM in April of 2013. He graduated from the Capital Community College Paramedic program. Born and raised in East Hartford he obtained his EMT certification in 2007 and worked for Hartford Hospital for three years. Ultimately Matt plans to become a flight nurse.
As with all precepting phases at ASM, Matt’s final approval came from Eastern Connecticut Health Network after shadowing him and his preceptors in the field as they responded to emergency calls.
On behalf of the ASM Family, we would like to wish Matt the best of luck and say we are very proud to have such skilled professionals on staff.
MANCHESTER – As of August 3, 2015, ASM’s Billy Schnepp has been cleared by Eastern Connecticut Health Network medical control for independent dispatch as a paramedic to the towns that ASM serves.
Billy’s preceptors were Paramedic Don Hart and Paramedic Supervisor Melissa Osborne. The full precepting phase can take ten to 12 weeks or more as the paramedic is prepped for the realities of the field. As with all precepting phases at ASM, Billy’s final approval came from Eastern Connecticut Health Network after shadowing Billy and his preceptor (Vinnie Maston for Billy’s final shift) in the field as they responded to emergency calls.
Billy started at ASM as an EMT-Basic in 2012 and graduated from the New Britain EMS Academy Paramedic Program. He graduated from the University of Connecticut with a Bachelor’s in Psychology with a focus on neuroscience.
On behalf of the ASM Family, we would like to wish Billy the best of luck and say we are very proud to have such skilled professionals on staff.
MANCHESTER – As of January 27, 2015, ASM’s Bryan Mathiau has been cleared by Eastern Connecticut Health Network medical control for independent dispatch as a paramedic to the towns that ASM serves.
Bryan’s preceptors were Paramedic Sue Allen and Paramedic Supervisors Melissa Osborne and Vinnie Maston. The full precepting phase can take ten to 12 weeks or more as the paramedic is prepped for the realities of the field. As with all precepting phases at ASM, Bryan’s final approval came from Eastern Connecticut Health Network after shadowing Bryan and his preceptor in the field as they responded to emergency calls.
Bryan started at ASM as an EMT-Basic in 2011 and graduated from the Capital Community College Paramedic Program.
On behalf of the ASM Family, we would like to wish Bryan the best of luck and say we are very proud to have such skilled professionals on staff.
MANCHESTER – As of October 2, 2014, ASM’s Jeffrey Rasmussen has been cleared by Eastern Connecticut Health Network medical control for independent dispatch as a paramedic to the towns that ASM serves.
Jeff’s preceptors were Paramedic Supervisors Melissa Osborne and Bob O’Neil. The full precepting phase can take ten to 12 weeks or more as the paramedic is prepped for the realities of the field. As with all precepting phases at ASM, Jeff’s final approval came from Eastern Connecticut Health Network after shadowing Jeff and his preceptor in the field as they responded to emergency calls.
Jeff started at ASM as an EMT-Basic in 2010 and graduated from the Hartford Hospital-Goodwin College Paramedic Program.
On behalf of the ASM Family, we would like to wish Jeff the best of luck and say we are very proud to have such skilled professionals on staff.
MANCHESTER –As of August 21, 2014, ASM’s Steeve Parent has been cleared by Eastern Connecticut Health Network medical control for independent dispatch as a paramedic to the towns that ASM serves.
Steeve’s preceptors were Paramedic Supervisor Melissa Osborne and Paramedic Sue Allen. The full precepting phase can take ten to 12 weeks or more as the paramedic is prepped for the realities of the field. As with all precepting phases at ASM, Steeve’s final approval came from Eastern Connecticut Health Network after shadowing Steeve and his preceptor in the field as they responded to emergency calls.
Steeve started at ASM as an EMT-Basic in 2012 and graduated from the Capital Community College Paramedic Program.
On behalf of the ASM Family, we would like to wish Steeve the best of luck and say we are very proud to have such skilled professionals on staff.
MANCHESTER – As of March 8, 2013, ASM’s Ryan McConville has been cleared by Eastern Connecticut Health Network medical control for independent dispatch as a paramedic to the towns that ASM serves.
Ryan’s preceptors were Supervisor-Paramedics Bob O’Neil and Melissa Osborne. The full precepting phase can take ten to 12 weeks or more as the paramedic is prepped for the realities of the field. As with all precepting phases at ASM, Ryan’s final approval came from Eastern Connecticut Health Network after shadowing Ryan and his preceptor in the field as they responded to emergency calls.
Ryan started at ASM as an EMT Basic, obtained a certification in and
(L to R): Ryan McConville, ECHN’s Nancy Brunet, Melissa Osborne.
worked as an EMT Intermediate and obtained his paramedic training at Capital Community College.
On behalf of the ASM Family, we would like to wish Ryan the best of luck and say we are very proud to have such skilled professionals on staff.
MANCHESTER – As of November 1, 2012, ASM’s Josh Traber has been cleared by Eastern Connecticut Health Network medical control for independent dispatch as a paramedic to the towns that ASM serves.
His preceptors were Supervisor-Paramedics Vinnie Maston and Melissa Osborne. The full precepting phase can take ten to 12 weeks or more as the paramedic is prepped for the realities of the field. As with all precepting phases at ASM, Josh’s final approval came from Eastern Connecticut Health Network after shadowing Josh and his preceptor in the field as they responded to emergency calls.
Josh started at ASM in 1999 as a Communications Dispatcher. He obtained his EMT in 2000 and started Capital Community College’s Paramedic Program in 2011.
On behalf of the ASM Family, we would like to wish Josh the best of luck and say we are very proud to have such skilled professionals on staff.
Have you ever wondered, “Where is the Paramedic headed with this line of treatment?” or “Is there more I can do to help the Paramedic render rapid and effective care?” Well here is your answer Continue reading